MovieChat Forums > Blind Faith (1990) Discussion > Roby Marshall + Tracey Gold

Roby Marshall + Tracey Gold

Is anybody else aware that the real life son, Roby Marshall, is married to Tracey Gold?


Tracey Gold was introduced to Roby Marshall, when Joanna Kern's, her Growing Pains co-star ,played Maria Marshall in Blind Faith. Roby Marshall met Tracey when she was in her early stages of her bout with anorexia (1989), and stuck with her even at her lowest weight (79 pounds in 1992). The pair married in 1994, and have three sons (just like Rob and Maria Marshall!). Curiously, Tracey Gold's well documented drunk driving accident in September 2004 occured only a few days short of the 20th anniversary of the Marshall murder. And the coincidences don't end there. Both the murder and the accident happened late at night, with the husband and wife both in the car at the time. (Certainly just coincidences, they seemed very strange to me, having lived near the Marshall family in New Jersey, and remembering the incident like it was yesterday). I found it very odd that none of the tabloids picked up on this. Despite both their tough lives, from all accounts Roby and Tracey are totally in love, and want to have another child.


Awww thats so sad and bitter sweet at the same time....Iam watching the movie right now and caught it in the middle so I got on here to see exactly what it was about. I knew of Roby Marshall being married to Tracey Gold and they seem to have and will last forever. But I didn't know anything about the Marshall family at all. Well I have to say Iam glad he has someone as good as her in his life. I hope the other boys lives turn out just as good...God bless your famlies.


Just finished the book "Blind Faith" Went online to see if the conviction held.

I read about the arrests in Shreveport/Bossier and even today there are lots of people who knew and knew of the men from Louisiana.

Thought it strange that the clerk in Bossier got 30 years and the hit men one walked and the other was acquited...

I thought it was more then bizarre that the hit man's wife was staying in the Marshall home during the trial..whatever could the children been going though during this time?

The "oh, by the way's" in this saga far outpace the regular story line.

I was hoping all through the book that Chris and Roby would complete their educations and go on with life...It was pretty clear that John was too young to escape the brain washing of the girlfriend.

Now there is also the thought that Marshall was convicted because he just was not likeable..he encompassed all that was grossest in the 80's. It was clear in the book that he certainly felt an entitlement from the rest of the peons around him. The term here is "he was full of it"

I think that Darlie Routier in Rowlett Texas was convicted of shallowness and an episode of silly putty at her children's graves.

She may have been involved in planning the deaths of her children but its still hard to accept that she actually wielded the knife.

She is now on death row in Texas and I still have that image of her in those cut off jeans shorts laughing and spraying that silly putty string all over the graves just a few days after the deaths.

Mr. Marshall was so gross expecting his son's to accept a girlfriend just days after their mother's death when they were still stunned.


Like I said in another thread, Marshall is now off of death row for the time being. I say they should let he and Ambrose Harris spend some quality time together.

"If you can do it, it ain't braggin'"-Dizzy Dean


"I was hoping all through the book that Chris and Roby would complete their educations and go on with life...It was pretty clear that John was too young to escape the brain washing of the girlfriend."

Hi, just wanted to ask what you meant by this - brainwashing by what girlfriend? Thanks,



If you read the book, he was heavily influenced at the time about what a good person his father was by the Dad's new girlfriend. And, of course, who would want to believe that one of their parents had anything to do with the death of the other.

For an earlier poster, I don't understand why you think that someone who planned the death of another deserves a lighter sentence than the one who wields the instrument of their death. The planner is the person who set it all in motion.


Haven't seen the film since it originally aired, going on twenty years soon, but I did read the book prior to viewing. In doing so this fleshed-out my impressions of the Marshall family in my mind and enriched the viewing experience. I remember Mom's/Maria's quote/up-lifting saying , posted on the family's refrigerator: "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." This gave me an insight into the bright spirit that was Maria Marshall.

Another scene in the film references Maria's "holding that rose". Spoken by one of those hit men portrayed in the movie in his remembrance of seeing Mrs. Marshall. The utter vileness of the act of planning to kill and then actually perpetrating murder against this lovely lady still gives me pause in considering the dark and violent underside of the human condition.

One day I would like to revisit both book and movie. I really would but I'm thinking that as I've aged I have grown more squeamish. Especially as there are fresh atrocities to consider each and every day presented to us in the nightly newscasts.


I just read this in the trivia section and was stunned. I'm glad to know that Roby went on to have a good life after all this. I've seen interviews with him and Tracy but they all focused on her health.
