Long Version Was Too Long

I am glad for historical purposes to know that the DVD release is the original version of this film, but having watched and taped it back in 1990, it was overly padded to the max, and if that wasn't bad enough too many of the overly long subplots if they weren't pointless kept ending on depressing notes. The assassination plot scheme just went WAY too long, and to see it still going on after the quake was just plain silly. And then you've got the fact that at film's end, people are not aware of other family members or loved one's being dead that was also bad from my standpoint.


I agree that the subplot has really nothing to do with the earthquake and survival. That was removed from the second showing of this movie the following year.

Le Roi Est Mort, VIVE Le Roi! - E N I G M A 3


In real life, family members won't find each other very easily after a quake like that one in the movie. Claire Winslow's father never knew if his wife survived the quake or not, the 911 operator whose husband was the bodyguard; did'nt know if he had survived or not..the list goes on. Mrs. L.

Long Live Linarcos....My Main Squeeze
Fred Sadoff is My Only Love
"Order Full Ahead Captain."
