Earthquakes in General

We do not get very many earthquakes here in Canada; in fact the largest earthquake in Canada in the last 10-15 years was a 3.9 tremor in Quebec City and a 2.7 tremor in Turner Valley,Alberta and that is it. We have had an F4 tornado here in Edmonton in 1987,an F1 tornado in 1989,an F3 in Pine Lake,Alberta and a storm on July 11,2004 that dumped 150 mm of rain on Edmonton in just 54 minutes and I was injured in that storm with a friction burn on my right ankle.


Florida is another disaster prone state, but unlike California, Florida has to deal with the threat of Hurricanes - more so than any other state on the Gulf or East coasts.

Check out The Weather Channel's show "It Could Happen Tomorrow" where they have an episode about what would happen if a Category 5 Hurricane hit downtown Miami head on (a very real threat). The city would be ruined.


Just like California, the Midwest is a hotbed of earthquake activity ready to be unleashed. The last big quakes were in 1811 and 1812, both over 8 on the Richter Scale. We're long overdue for a big one here. Mrs. L.

Long Live Linarcos....My Main Squeeze
Fred Sadoff is My Only Love
"Order Full Ahead Captain."


You are all lucky. In Pennsylvania we have Arlen Specter and Ed Rendell.


