question about this movie...

ok i think i remember seeing this when it aired on tv, can someone confirm this for this the movie where the womans daughter liek comes home from school or soemthing and when the earthquack hits she is in the basement and something falls on her adn she is trapped under it, adn the basement starts flooding form broken pipes or semething like that. the mother tries to race home throughout the movie to get to the daughter....i think even in one part a guy i sriding a bike and calls into a crack in the pavement caused byt he earthquack...if this is correct please someone verify this for me cause i am so getting this on dvd.


It's the movie you're thinking of, but you've twisted the details around some. Walmart has it in there $5 movie box with a double feature with "The Sky is Burning" here in central Indiana.

IMO, for a m4tv disaster flick, it's pretty darn good.

He always follows the creek.


If you can remember it that well, it should be obvious it's the same movie, Or didn't you have time to look at some of the comments? You don't seem to have time to type properly, so I guess that might be it.


sorry bout the typos...was up late...and no one really hit on the question i asked. i was also like 10 or so when it came on tv and i vaguely remember bits and pieces of it. i just wanted to make sure that was the right movie i was thinking of before i bought it. thanks for the feed back though.
