a truly great film!

BAD INFLUENCE came out just after the Rob Lowe under-age sex tape scandal surfaced so not a lot of people were interested in seeing BAD INFLUENCE in the theaters. Too bad for them because BAD INFLUENCE is a real treat. Rob Lowe is develishly handsome and sexy as the bad guy. He HAS to be for the movie to work and he pulls it off wonderfully. Michael (James Spader) wants what he wants out of his life and Lowe's character give him the chance. The film has twists and turns and has a great script by David Koepp and equally great direction by Curtis Hanson who also directed the fabulous L.A. CONFIDENTAL for which he was nominated for an Oscar. BAD INFLUENCE brilliantly acted as the hero of the film descends into a decadent life style and realizes that it might not be worth it. **** out of 4.


I read that Rob Lowe met his wife on the set of this film, she was a make-up artist. If correct, rather interesting for people trying to think of ways of meeting film stars without becoming stalkers.


My understanding is that Rob and his now-wife, Sheryl, had known each other on and off for years - at one time she dated his best friend, Emilio Estevez - but this was the first and only time they worked on a film together.

Coming as it did at a major crossroads in Rob's life - when he was trying to get himself straightened out after hitting rock-bottom with the sex scandal - reconnecting with Sheryl seems to have been part of what helped him turn his life around. They were married in 1991 and seem very happy to this day.

I found Rob's performance in this startling. By turns creepy and charismatic, Alex is at once morally repugnant and compellingly attractive. It is easy to see why Michael falls so completely under his spell.

A powerful film and a brave choice for Rob considering that people were bound to draw real-life parallels with some of the film's motifs (home-made sex videos for one).


I'm sure you are right, but I like the "met on film set" scenario better. Darn it, why does real life have to come along and spoil the story??????

PS I would now like to start the fake rumour that the people behind it were planning to call it "Sex, lies and videotape" but Soderbergh beat them to it with the name.


Yes, darn that 'real life,' indeed. I hate when reality interferes with my plans to develop advanced strategies for stalking.

"There is nothing but trouble and desire."

