MovieChat Forums > Bad Influence (1990) Discussion > Alex - An analysis of the character

Alex - An analysis of the character

I found Alex to be a very interesting character. And I would like to discuss the character with you guys...

What was it that made him to be so interesting to you?

I would also like if you could describe the character from your point of view!

/Mad, bad and dangerous to know\


I liked Alex because you never really find out too much about him (to say the LEAST! - lol).

Hell, by the conclusion of the film, we're not 100% sure he's even dead and we also don't even know if his name is really Alex! Maybe it's Tony? The bartender called him Tony. Or maybe it's a name we haven't even heard.

He was sort of a 'Fatal Attraction' type of guy for Michael - helped him at first, but things went downhill... quickly.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Alex was very charming and likable, but with that sense of danger lurking, and he analyzes people. A great example is the early bar scene where he threatens that goon who was threatening Michael w/ the broken bottle. The crazy way he looks at him scared the guy off. Then later on the pier when Michael and Alex run into each other, Alex asks him why he stood up to the guy. It's like Alex was looking for any hint or display of courage in Michael, then he would step in to help him along.


He's a drifter, kind of a stray. Goes from town to town until he wears out his welcome


I like the guys sense of style and taste in women I just didn't like that he's a murder I hope I didn't spoil anything.LOL


I think his appeal is what was mentioned before, he's a drifter, a manipulator and goes through life with some excitement and panache. You have to be a good looking guy to be able to do that, I'm sure we have all seen an incredibly good looking guy who women throw themselves at, and think, cool.

I saw it at the cinema when it came out and still am not sure about the death of Alex, real or not. The only thing I can think of, is that at the end you can see police or ambulance on the beach and wonder if his body washed up on shore.

Great film though and always enjoy watching it, especially when he cringes at the tar pits whilst their pulling the girls body out, very creepy. One of Rob Lowe's finest moments, except for bedding two girls on video in real life.
