Always bothered me ....

I love these films. I find them pretty much flawless and always enjoyable.
The thing that always bugged me in #3 was;

*doc arrived in 1885 with a broken time system on the delorean which made it useless.

* Marty arrives in 1885 in fixed car from 1955. But rips the fuel line, making it useless.

* now 2 cars exist in 1885.
The one Doc arrived in, buried in the mine. And the car Marty arrived in hidden in the cave.

..... why couldn't they just patch up the fuel line on Marty's car and siphon fuel from doc's car to to get home?

I know it would have been a very short film using this theory but it's annoying that everything else is so seamless but they don't address this issue.

Am I missing something here?


Yes you are missing something...a life.




You didn’t actually watch it then


I assumed that would risk a paradox.

Doc left the time machine for Marty to collect in 1955. Marty uses the 1955 version to travel back to 1885. If they dismantled the 1885 version at all, Marty wouldn't have then been able to travel back in the first place.

Doc was always quite keen to avoid paradoxes like this. In the second movie he was worried about them destroying the universe.


That's a great theory. It satisfies my little brain. Thank you, it's bugged me for years 👍


I would have be nice if Marty actually suggested it and Doc Brown gave him that explanation in the movie.


What bothered me is that Doc Brown should have been able to find and turn crude oil into gasoline back in 1885. Which is 25 years after crude oil was found in the USA and just 15 years before gasoline was invented.

Once Doc has survived his assassination, there's no more reason to hurry back to 1985. Refueling the DeLorean is simpler that the crazy train heist.


Considering the method isn't as complicated as making a 1885 ice maker. Writers didn't really bother with it, one excuse for them rushing is to save themselves from being killed by Mad Dog Tannen.

But considering how it ended, Yip ! Doc would have been better off getting some crude oil and making gas out of it.
