better than part II

after seeing them all, i thought this one was better and more enjoyable than part II, anyone agree?


Why does it matter to you if anyone agrees? It is like saying "I like Kosher hot dogs better than regular hot dogs, anyone agree?"

It doesn't matter which one you or anyone else likes better, they are a series of (loosely) interconnected movies and wise viewers enjoy each for what it has to offer in escapist entertainment.



Just ignore him. He's rude on every post.... Yes, I agree that part 3 is better than part 2. Part 2 is a good segue from 1 to 3, but I can't stand Fox playing the McFly children, Loraine's "remodeling", or Elizabeth Shue's acting... or I should say OVERACTING. Otherwise it's all right, but 3 is MUCH better, and 1 is by far #1... The BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!!!


Part III is way too cheesy and thus cringy in parts.


I liked all 3 equally for different reasons.


Number 2 is my favourite and number 3 is my least favourite.. they're all wonderful films though!


In terms of enjoyment, I easily prefer Part II. The 2015 scenes alone contain more excitement for me than most of Part III. And the alternate 1985 and 1955 scenes? Love 'em.

Part III has the better direction and it is a good, fun film overall. But ultimately, it never managed to fascinate or thrill me as much as the first two did.


I don't know about the 2015 scenes anymore. On a recent re-watch, I found them to be less awe-inspiring and more outright ugly - Not helped by young actors caked in obvious makeup and ridiculous costumes to make themselves looks older and more "futuristic", or Michael J. Fox playing his future daughter (they were REALLY pushing it there). And Griff has to be one of the lamest and most annoying characters in all of classic cinema - I get that he's supposed to be a more intimidating version of Biff, but he just came off as comical.

Indeed, the 1985A scenes are decent, but the 1955 scenes? C'mon, we've already seen those in the first movie!


Not being a fan of cheesy westerns, part 3 was my least favorite.

