The Shower Scene

Ok you know in the shower scene the girl freaks out and her dad comes running into the bathroom and she freaks 'cause shes naked well who's that one guy that runs up beside the dad? Was that her boyfriend or brother? If it was her brother thats PERVERTED!



LOL yeah that was the brother.

But he was hot though...:)


I just wanted to say that I think the shower scene in Arachnophobia is the scariest one I've seen since the famous shower that Janet Leigh took in Psycho!
I squeal out loud each time I see that spider jump onto that girl taking the shower! Eeeeek!!!!

I hate spiders...but I lOVE this movie!


Yep I'm watching this movie on Encore right now and that part just passed and I screamed out loud.


Her brother comes later because he heard a scream. The dad got there first. then the brother.

That scene in the movie disturbed me. I was taking a dump before I was gonna take a shower, and I noticed a big ass spider on the ceiling above the shower. I'm glad I saw it before I went in.


Nice to mention what you were doing when you went to the bathroom to begin with.


That was her brother. I don't remember her having a boyfriend, although we may not see one. Here's something else. How did the father get in the bathroom? Wasn't it locked or something? Or maybe earlier he is knocking to let her know he has to use the can and then decides to use the one downstairs. I mean he could've opened the door but was knocking to be polite.


what exactly was perverted and why??


Very scary scene. She couldn't feel the spider on here because of the water running off her body. I get chills every time I watch it.

Rebuild the WTC exactly as before and keep old movies accurate!


can't see anything pervererted though


The part that seems perverted is the father and brother seeing their grown daughter/sister naked. Thats not cool



Well they didn't do it intentionally. Spying on her while she was naked would be perverted. Running into the bathroom because she screamed and thought she was in trouble would not be. Jeez people.


It's funny. When my brother first saw this movie, he developed a fear of finding a spider in the shower for months, and would always have my father check out the shower before he took one (he was only 6 at the time, and had arachnophobia himself, but we watched this for Halloween). My father would humor him, but kept insisting that there was never going to be a spider in the shower. But about 4 months after he saw the movie, he was in the shower one day and begins screaming that there's a spider in the shower with him. My parents and I are skeptical and think he just saw a black fuzz or something. But when we entered the bathroom, he was up against the shower wall with the curtain wrapped around him, and sure enough, hanging from a thread just above him in the shower was a spider, a pretty big one too. It was like a one in a billion chance to actually have this happen.


Did anyone else notice the expression on the brother's face? I think it was priceless, kinda disgusted to see his sister there 


The girl in the shower is now a Hollywood Agent. She's on social media so I wonder if she ever gets asked about the famous shower scene. She's clearly not really afraid of spiders if that was her body the whole time. And she was great at screaming too.


