MovieChat Forums > An Angel at My Table (1990) Discussion > Song during the party scene at the hospi...

Song during the party scene at the hospital

Does anyone know what the song is which plays during the party/dance scene at the hospital (1hr 23min in the movie version)?

It has a slow waltz rhythm, the only lyrics I can catch approximate to "And I will see you there / with lonely tears in your eyes" - it's quite haunting and rather beautiful and I'd love to find out more and find a full version.

Thank you :)


Possibly "Blue Smoke" by Ruru Karaitiana.
I would have to watch it again to confirm.
Rex Benson


Thank you! (I'm not the OP, but I'm glad to have the info.)

One version (Ruru Karaitiana quintet, with Pixie Williams singing; sounds like the one used in the film)

"All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people."
