One amazing scene...

I love that part where the ambulance goon shows up at the hospital to get Josh and talks to the nurse. It is a very well acted scene and that goon is kind of a funny character, but one thing I didn't notice at first is that it is all one long uncut scene, they must have been up all night rehearsing.



To be honest it didn't stand out to me that much. There are much longer uncut scenes in a lot of movies, like Hitchcock's Rope which has like 3 or 4 cuts in the entire movie so you have scenes of up to 20 minutes and more. There's even this Russian movie of which I forgot the name that is shot in one uncut take.


they must have been up all night rehearsing.

Maybe not that much. It wasn't that long a scene.
Besides, if you wanna talk about long scenes how about the part in the hospital room where Josh has conversations with the cop, and then the old guy, and gets put to bed. It feels like about 20 minutes between him getting taken to that hospital, and them breaking out in the night. Of course it probably wasn't all done in one take but it was atmospheric.
