Did the Nolan brothers maybe, kind of look to this film at some point during the early development of their story? Drifter-pawn with brain damage, femme fatale leading him on, and ex-cop sleazeball to round things out.


You know, I wonder if you might be right. This movie bears a lot of similarity to that one.

I remember reading an article about 'Memento' when it first came out (I believe in Entertainment Weekly), where Nolan said he was influenced by a lot of earlier film moirs. I do remember that he cited 'Double Indemnity' as an influence though.


While I haven't read it, this movie is based on the novel written by Jim Thompson. I checked his page on IMDb and Mr. Thompson wrote the screenplay for the film Paths of Glory. I'm impressed right there. Paths of Glory, starring Kirk Douglas (in my favorite of his films), is a profound anti-war film that I recommend if you haven't seen it.

Anyway, I think Memento is a pure and brilliant film that will remain as excellent one hundred years from now as the day of its release. That film was such an updated, juicy reminiscence of the film noir genre that I fell in love just a few minutes into watching it, even though I didn't know what was going on - but that is what film noir is all about, right? You never know what is really going on until it is, usually, too late.

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