MovieChat Forums > The Adventures of Ford Fairlane (1990) Discussion > AM I the only woman who was 26 when this...

AM I the only woman who was 26 when this came out

That laughed sao hard people in front of me moved! AND I loved his short lived TV show..It was fun!


This film rocks.

I wish it had made more money. There should have been a series of these films.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


I wouldn't blame any woman for hating the crap out of this movie. It was pretty sexist and we loved the hell out of it as kids. Watching it recently made it pretty clear why we couldn't get laid!

Amy: I swear to God...I swear to God! That is NOT how you treat your human!


I was 24 and I still love it!!


The movie is great. The liberal PC culture today can't take a joke and this movie wouldn't happen in 2016.
