MovieChat Forums > The Upper Hand (1990) Discussion > A slow and painful death would be more u...

A slow and painful death would be more up my street

Without even the merest hint of a scintilla of a doubt, the most appallingly unfunny, tedious, pointless, cretinous sit-com in the history of the entire universe. Certainly, if it were a lame dog I'd be wearing a gigantic, s**t-eating grin as I pumped far more bullets than is strictly necessary into its slightly pungent, useless body.

In short, not recommended.

The lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won't get much sleep.


Ho ho, well put!

Other despicable sit-coms - The Two of Us, My Family, Shelley, bleh bleh blehhh.


tickled, we are kindred spirits.

The lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won't get much sleep.


I think I hate 'Bread' more than this pile of pigs vomit, but it's a close call. What a load of junk 'TUH' was. Best we forget

Questions are a burden to others.
Answers are a prison for oneself.


Yes, Bread too was the work of the devil, and I often wish that Carla Lane would.. well... go away.

The lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won't get much sleep.


Just remembered a 3rd contender for Britain's Worst Sitcom: 'Allo Allo'. Awful stuff.

Questions are a burden to others.
Answers are a prison for oneself.


We've opened a can of worms now. And the 21st century has already managed to leave some indelible stains - Two Pints Of Lager And A Packet Of Crisps, for instance, is a programme I hope will never pass before my peepers again. As for older shows, the 1000 year old Last Of The Summer Wine should've been culled long ago. A close friend of mine, who suffers from manic depression, once suggested to me that the best way to envision purgatory was to imagine being stuck in an unusually uncomfortable chair in front of Last Of The Summer Wine, on a Sunday, and next to a barely living relative..... forever. Whenever such a prospect beckoned, he'd find the idea of being turfed off to the asylum as appealing as an open invite to a piss-up in a brewery.

The lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won't get much sleep.


In reply to the original poster of this thread...why the f!ck would you post on a message board and talk *beep* about a show you don't even like. some people like it so just leave this board and *beep* off to your own sad little world!


Ah, diddums. You can't put up a defence of the show so you've resorted to desperate pleading. Come off it, jonathan, the day criticism of film & television is reduced to the kind of infantile 'love-in' you clearly crave then we'll surely be in trouble. I care about great comedy. So, when we're presented with s h i t like this I reserve the right to scream my frustration at such low standards from the rooftops.... Or something.

Anyway, I was only having a giggle.

The lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won't get much sleep.


It was a program that I and many other people grew up with and loved to watch every week. You're probably an older person (I'm guessing) and didn't find it as funny because you had experienced better comedy beforehand. Personally this was the first comedy I had experienced and grew to appreciate as I was only 7 years of age when it started, I then looked farward to watching it every week, sad as it may seem...but I was only 7!

And thats my response to the cack that you just tried to come up with. It wasn't a desperate plea...I just wonder why people would spend valuable time on something they don't even like. And as a result upsetting those that do.


Lighten up. So it has sentimental value for you? Great. I feel that way about The Six Million Dollar Man, but when it's pointed out to me that the latter wasn't actually very good I don't take it personally. Like all other forums at IMDB, it's the free exchange of views that makes this kind of thread valuable. If you can't stand the heat, then feel free to start a thread for 'people who won't tolerate any criticism of 'The Upper Hand'. Enjoy.

The lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won't get much sleep.


... jonathan_thomas83 absolutely does not represent the views of my generation. I too was 7 when this came out, and I realised instantly that it was utter dross.


Pod shakes Minstrelo firmly by the hand.

The lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won't get much sleep.


I actually liked it. I was 1 when it was originally shown. & a few years ago they repeated it on some channel... & i grew to like it then too. i suppose everyone has different opinions.


personally, i loved this show when i was growing up (i was 9 when it first came to our screens), and ive fallen in love with it all again thanks to it being repeated on paramount comedy 2.

the whole will-they-wont-they thing was great, however i will admit that once caroline and charlie finally got together it wasnt quite the same.

i definately believe that it isint really one for the guys, but all my female mates loved it and it is just something we all watched and then discussed the next day at school.

there are plenty more comedies out there that i think are utter crap, but the world would be boring if we all liked the same!

10/10 for the upper hand!! i love it! :D


I'm a guy and I liked it! hehe


nice one jonathan thomas83! yay!! :D

Dont get mad, get everything!
