MovieChat Forums > Twin Peaks (1990) Discussion > What? Piper Laurie won award for this? N...

What? Piper Laurie won award for this? No Sheryl Lee? No Zabriskie?

I found Piper Laurie won Golden Globe for this show as supporting role. She was, im sorry, but NOTHING SPECIAL in this show.

But Sheryl Lee who played Laura and Maddie was much better, when she's killed she played it excellently, and the character was so difficult to play. And Grace Zabriskie who played Laura's mother, was also fantastic she was best screamer in history. But they are never nominated so far.

But Piper Laurie won the award??

And even she was leading actress nomination for Emmy? Leading??
Leading was more to Lara Flynn Boyle and she was also better. Sherilyn Fenn was better. And the actress who played Nadine was better.

What about actors, Kyle Maclachlan was fine, but Ray Wise who played Laura's father was much better but no nomination?

Can't believe this was Golden Globes authority.

Give awards to Sheryl Lee, Grace Zabriskie, Ray Wise.


The Palmers were some of the best actors ever! Leland, Grace, and Laura/Maddy were breathtaking!


Yep, one figures Lynch really believed in the Palmer family's acting talents enough to make Fire Walk With Me. And it looks like all those actors are returning to the new series too.


Hollywood politics.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


Probably because of that nonsensical (even for this show) subplot where she became a Japanese man (even though it was pretty obviously not a real Japanese man but someone under a ton of makeup). That sort of "stunt" could have wowed morons that make up the award voters back then. These days there'd be some socjus whining about cultural appropriation of a white person playing non-white instead of awards.

Ray Wise has been excellent in everything I've ever seen him in. He was pretty over the top her (and it worked) which could have turned off the stuffed shirt awards.

You have many question, Mr Sparkle. I send you premium -- answer question, hundred percent!


I believe Piper Laurie won for her work in the first season, before she played the double role in season two. And she was remarkable! Three of my favorite scenes were when she danced with Leland at the Great Northern, when she realized the ledger was missing and went to Pete for help, and when she found Shelly in the mill while it was on fire and said "shut up, I need to think."

Sheryl Lee was great at playing a dead woman, but was really hampered in that she didn't have any dialogue. Yes, that's sarcasm. She was great as Maddy, but only appeared in what, 4 episodes as Maddy in season one? Best actress or supporting actress nominees have to be part of the main cast, which she wasn't.

Ray Wise was totally overlooked. The truth is, in the entire cast, James Marshall and Dana Ashbrooke were the only disappointments for me, but I could handle Dana as Bobby. James Marshall as James Hurley was miscast. He looked the part but didn't have charisma.
