MovieChat Forums > Twin Peaks (1990) Discussion > Does it hold well today?

Does it hold well today?

I mean, against shows like The Sopranos, True Detective, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones.


I think it does. The only thing one might notice is the clothing. One might argue that in a small lumber town like Twin Peaks, they're a bit behind the fashion times?


They already were back in 92 and it's part of the timelessness of the story...
Still, you must watch this show with an open mind, not expecting anything as "rational " or real as shows like the Sopranos!

😈 Love is in the air ? Get out the gas mask ! 😈


I love this show. Yes there are moments when I feel like I am on drugs, and I am totally lost. I am down to the last two episodes and I don't want to let go. It makes absolutely no sense, but it's so awesome. Haha! Definitely one of the best shows of all time. Although I can see why some would hate it.



youre getting answers from fanboys. The truth is; not really. I was able to make it through.....but boy was it tough. By todays standards, the acting is just dreadful. Some of the storylines are so dumb and childish. There are moments here and there that are creepy and done very well that hold up, but most of the dialogue, storylines and acting is straight up silly by todays standards. TV just wasnt as good back then. Right now TV has better writing and acting than movies.

Its still worth watching.....barely......if you've seen all the greatest shows like Breaking Bad, The Wire, True Detective, etc and theres nothing left.

The first season is more consistently watchable than the 2nd. The middle of the second season is just painfully awful. Inexcusably dumb. The last 5 or so episodes it starts to regain form, and the final episode was probably the best one. Its very good. Making it through the middle section of season 2 tests your willpower though. Hopefully it helps to know that it does in fact get better at the end.


Yes... Really ? TV shows are better today ?
If you consider violence and insults are quality, then yes, they certainly are !
The acting in Lynch's films sometimes looks stupid if you fail to catch the second degree, that's all.
But I do agree with you about the James " road movie" bit, it was downright bad.

😈 Love is in the air ? Get out the gas mask ! 😈


I dropped it 4 episodes in. Though, the pilot was really glorious.


Thanks for that. It does help. I'm in the middle of season two and it's really testing my willpower. Inexcusably dumb is a good description.


Poster "Madness" said one right thing:

definitely not in production terms. Today you have all this series swarming with ex-A-listers, even crap like "The following" can have Kevin Bacon in it. "Twin Peaks" had a good cast but there were a bunch of weaker actors in it.
Also, at least "Game of thrones" did now twice mass action scenes that can hold up with block buster movies.

Sound and music were superior to other things back then and hold up today.

In terms of story and quality, its still in the upper class, I think. Thats much on personal taste. But quality was not consistent, the later episodes were hit and miss. Thats a difference to "Breaking Bad", for the example, where everything was pretty consistent in quality from beginning to start. Note also that there are few shows who did this. In the whole run I would put it, for example, over "Lost" which was often compared to it. Also, over "True detective." This one had no weak episodes in his short run, but despite being a strong series for me the ending left a bit too much in the open.

Other than that, especially regarding the mystic aspects and the great play on whats real and probable and what not, "Twin Peaks" still did some new things that no other series up until today could offer for me.

Plus, I think, the movie "Fire walk with me" was great.



Not sure I agree with that. Run DMC and Grandmaster flash are like 40s noir compared to modern day movies. TP doesn't seem very dated at all. A little cheesy and soap opera-ie, but that was mostly if not totally intentional. The seedy elements were still there (and I think more of that is hidden under the surface than most realize). TP was actually more ballsy and convoluted than just about any recent show, so in a sense you could say modern TV still hasn't caught up to it.



Like Breaking Bad and True Detective, it took me a couple of watches to get the full grasp of the show. I think it holds up to those shows but it has some minuses that detract the quality a bit in comparison.

For story, direction, acting (Some are a miss but it might just be how the character is written), soundtrack and atmosphere, it's brilliant and certainly holds up to current shows today. This is from season 1 and 2 episodes 1-9 and 16-22. For first time watchers, it does drop in quality midway in season 2 that would be hard to sit through from the (mildly interesting) sub-plots. I'm not saying to ignore them, it's good to see other characters with what they do, but the main story is somewhat paused and doesn't hold up as well in the meantime until the last couple episodes.

I say with a few re-watches of the show, it gets much better and you can understand the story, but it does require focus or else your soul will perrish forever in confusion. ;P
I didn't like it at first, frankly I was bored and found it convoluted, one thing that got me back to it was it's atmosphere. Probably the 90s vibe, it felt comfortable and warm despite the evilness surrounding the place, if that makes sense.

As a bonus, without spoiling anything, it's good to look up some information both show and production so you can better understand why this and that (Example; middle of season 2) was the result. Another example; season 8 of Dexter, why was it so awfully written? Some information can say it was rushed and creative control was different, similar to Twin Peaks.

Edit: Just realised I replied to a few months old post, but *Shrugs*.


Early in ep17 we see a potluck dinner being assembled, the camera surveying the hands of those who have brought dishes, and the food they contribute. As more is brought to the table, the meal becomes richer and can sustain more guests.

Kind of like the series, or any art maybe.

"The bonsai: the ultimate miniature."
--Will Hayward, Twin Peaks.


It was around that episode that it started going bad, and it stayed bad until the last 3-5 depending on your standards. Some would argue it stayed bad until the final episode, which was brilliantly nightmarish, but ultimately unsatisfying.

Just got done with it myself. Might wait a few months to watch Fire Walk With Me.


How could the last episode be good yet the half of the series leading up to it, not?

"The bonsai: the ultimate miniature."
--Will Hayward, Twin Peaks




Even if he pulled a golfball out of his mouth, someone had to have put it in there. As is, I don't think that brand of prestidigitation is involved.

"The bonsai: the ultimate miniature."
--Will Hayward, Twin Peaks


He took was was not working and a lame buildup and made it into an episode with everything going back to being good. Not that there wasn't groundwork, but the groundwork wasn't executed remarkably. It's the climax that redeems.

I think the last 5 or so were good.


For me? Yes

I guess some people will have a tough time with the characters not looking at cell phones every 10 seconds or the characters not wearing skinny jeans. Also the teenagers in this show go outside and don't spend half the day thinking about what pose to make in the next selfie.

Season 2 had some weak episodes but the worst of Twin Peaks is better than the best of most shows today.


😂 skinny jeans and selfies, exactly dude. I think it's hard to compare twin peaks to any of those shows, or any show really. To me, it's brilliant and timeless. When it first aired it was so original and way out there (i think primetime tv was americas funniest home videos or something) I don't know anyone who kinda likes Twin Peaks, you either get it or you hate it.


No, it doesn't. But it doesn't change it being a TV milestone in 1990.
