MovieChat Forums > Twin Peaks (1990) Discussion > Is this similar to Stranger Things?

Is this similar to Stranger Things?

I LOVED Stranger Things and i heard it was inspired by Twin Peaks! Are they similar in any way and should i watch it! I loved Blue Velvet too but thats the only work of Lynch i have seen

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Oh yes, very undateable.


It has some similarities. But yes, you should watch it! If you loved blue velvet you might really, really love twin peaks.


No. I don't see the similarities or how they could be related. I will say that I did like Stranger Things very much. I do like Twins Peak just as well, but it's not in the same category as Stranger Things, but that's just my opinion. Where did you hear Stranger Things was inspired by this?



i heard by fans of the show somewhere that the mysteries of the town disappearance was similar in some way? Haha either way im going to give the show a shot !

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Oh yes, very undateable.


Not in any way, shape, or form.

But if you like BV, TP season 1 and some of season 2 should be (mostly) enjoyable.


Ahhh alright thanks! And yes Blue Velvet blew me away!

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Oh yes, very undateable.


Twin Peaks is the probably the best TV series of all time - you will love it


Watching Stranger Things reminded me of a lot of stuff, primarily 80s movies, Spielberg and King but Twin Peaks was definitely one of them. Definitely more supernatural, fast paced and to the point than Twin Peaks though not quite as good IMO.

However since you liked Blue Velvet I can see no reason not to watch Twin Peaks RIGHT NOW. If you liked Stranger Things and you like Lynch you'll probably love Twin Peaks. 

Look at that turtle go bro! 



Couldn't stop thinking about Twin Peaks while I watched Stranger Things. Twin Peaks is of course better. Also, it's deeper and a work of art. I actually think that the essence of Stranger Things is to have the mystery feel like Twin Peaks. Criminal investigations that actually deal with the unknown. 2017 will definitely be an interesting year in terms of shows and films.


Stranger Things is to Twin Peaks what Transformers is to the seven samurais.


No. You're comparing a bad movie to a good movie. This is comparing a good show to a good show.


No, this is not. This is comparing a mediocre show to a great one. Apart from stealing from other books, movies and shows, Stranger Things creator couldn't tell you a story to save their life.

Although I was probably a bit harsh to Transformers.


Some similarities yes, but not really in style etc. Just some story elements. Twin Peaks is very unique, if you loved blue velvet and stranger things you NEED to see it. :) Just be ready for a really strange show with soap-influences and whatnot.


awe hell noooooooo???
