MovieChat Forums > Twin Peaks (1990) Discussion > After all these years, the thing I am mo...

After all these years, the thing I am most burning to know...

Is just what in the world the "waiting room" was... waiting for.

Is the real Cooper going to sit in there for 25 years until he becomes an old man as in his vision, while a doppelganger Bob-possessed Cooper is out in the world murdering without opposition?

Where would he have gone, exactly, had he "waited long enough"? Or is it merely a waiting room prior to afterlife transcendence, like the nondenominational church at the end of LOST?

I'm hoping whatever comes after the waiting room is the "real black lodge", and even more terrifying than the red rooms. Which would be saying something.


What are you looking at? What are you waiting for? You make me sick. You damn hypocrites make me SICK! Everybody knew she was in trouble but we didn't do anything.
--Bobby Briggs, at Laura's funeral

Who is she?
--A witness, Inland Empire (2006)

Those are my italics on "she." Looks to me as if something akin to your first scenario might be it. Unless he wakes up and stops relying (unconsciously I'm sure) on the barrel he's made to get him through the dale. Or maybe what finally happens will turn out to be up to others.

"May the forest be with you."
--Kyle MacLachlan at a launch for the new episodes


August 6th, Bin Laden determined to attack within the US. Everybody knew.

She has a kind of psychiatric cabaret. Very good. There was something about Suez.


Great questions, but I have no idea. Really wished they could have had a third season, or more.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


I am hoping Cooper found a way to escape the waiting room and doppelganger Bob possessed Cooper wasn't out murdering all these years. However, we will see how season 3 goes, since it starts at exactly the 25 year point they spoke about in the room. It looks like Dale will be bringing Laura home as well.


I'd like to know what Johnny Horne's connection to the Native American spirits in the woods was all about.

You don't wear the headdress and bang your head against the symbol of what is displacing the woods (i.e., a house) for no reason.


You don't wear the headdress and bang your head against the symbol of what is displacing the woods (i.e., a house) for no reason.

In 1990, a grown white man wearing an indian headress was likely just to signify his mental incapacity, thinking like a kid playing cowboys and indians. They may decide to do something more with it in the new show, but of all the things in the old series, I don't get the vibe that was one of them with a terrible lot of hidden meaning to it.
You have many question, Mr Sparkle. I send you premium -- answer question, hundred percent!


In the pieces, the missing pieces there's a scene. A scene with Josie Dell and Pete. The interesting thing about these three characters is in the series the three of them are dead. What i think is that this is the white lodge. The red room is the judgement zone. The courthouse of the soul. the white lodge and the black are just like here. It depends on your attitude.

She has a kind of psychiatric cabaret. Very good. There was something about Suez.


I'm mainly burning to know how Audrey survives that damn explosion.


Yes me too. Maybe she didn't survive it.


The answer is in the book: The Secret History of Twin Peaks, by Co-creator Mark Frost.


Hey thanks. I just ordered it. I wasn't sure if i wanted to read it before season 3 or not. I was a little hesitant that it would be more of a cheap promotion. The pineapple assured me it was solid and genuine and worth the read.


Cool, I liked it.


Good to know. Are you a fan from the 90s or new fan? (It doesn't matter, im just curious) Also, i read Laura's diary back in the day as well as the dale cooper tapes to diane but i noticed there is a whole plethora of twin peaks books i didn't even know existed. Have you read all or any of the other books? If you have, which were your favorites and does it matter what order they're read in?


I'm 28 now, and I watched it for the first time when I was 17-18. So a fan for 10 years now.

I only read the diary written by the daughter of Lynch. (I have it autographed by Lynch and Frost, & can't help but brag about it :)) Are there more books other than the diary and the tapes? I did not know about that either, so I can't help you with the order.

I liked TSHOTP more than the diary. Frost is a great writer. And the way the story is presented is unique as it's a collection of documents, articles, pictures - narrated by the FBI agent "TP" in the sideline. In physical form (buy the physical hardcover!), it's as if you are handling an actual artifact straight from Twin Peaks's world.

Now, the story very much deepens and expands the mystery of the first two seasons, but don't expect too much answers about what happens after S2.. Expect more questions about what happens after S2. Frost, being an American history buff, also beautifully connects real American history with the fictional Twin Peaks lore.

If you love TP, and are excited for S3, it's a pretty essential read in my opinion.


Thanks buddy! Very informative answer and i appreciate it.
First of all, you have EVERY right to brag of your autographed copy (i would too) and i would be lying if i said i wasn't green with envy, but still i am happy for you cause that's just an amazing possession to own.

Yes there are a bunch! I was a fan from back in the day (i was 11 or 12 but a pretty weird kid) and i was obsessed. I thought i knew everything there was to know about twin peaks. So i was suprised there were books i didn't know about written later i guess. Anyway, it'll give me something to do til season 3 right?

I will start with the last book since you say it's definitely essential. If any of the other books are worth the read ill let you know. Cheers man, our show is coming back! I truly never thought id see the day.


I'm kinda itching to find out what happened to Ben Horne's wife (vanished after what?...episode 2?)


I think that summarizes their marriage. She did have a voice-only "appearance" in Ep3. And her appearance in the last episode prompted Ben to leave us with what I think is the second-best line in the whole series when he said, "Sylvia, I told you to stay home!"

"We are finished."
--Josie Packard, Twin Peaks


..and what about Leo with the spider trap?..still clenching his teeth after 25 years?
