Puddleglum Panics

I've got a bit of insomnia, and decided to watch the movie again. I don't have a real reason to bring this up, other than the fact that it's just on my mind at the moment.

There's a part in the movie where Puddleglum and the children are underground, and Puddleglum has a bit of a claustrophobic panic attack some time after Jill does. It was a pretty good performance by Tom Baker, and it seemed to come out of nowhere because the character was so unflappable otherwise. This didn't happen in the book, although for some reason I remembered it when I saw the movie. Memory is a funny thing; you can't always trust it! But anyway, I thought it was an interesting addition to the movie, and it didn't seem all that far-fetched to me. Even Marsh-Wiggles are allowed a breaking point, right? XD

Anyone else have any thoughts on this?


I'm pretty sure it is in the book, though maybe not as "energetic" as in the movie. Puddleglum does have a moment where he freaks a bit about Marsh Wiggles needing open air and sky, they are not underground dwellers. Been a while since I read the book so I can't bust out a direct quote. Tom Baker was fantastic, and Puddleglum is one of my fav characters from the series.
