Give Me My Show Back

I miss my childhood favorite. I'd pay any price to put it on DVD. Hell, how much would the rights be to it? I'd just buy the rights to the show! You see, this is what's wrong with copywright law. Shows can be kept under lock and key, never to be shown again, but if someone put it on Youtube somehow, it's very easily deletable.

I want my show made available to me again!

Dr. Cynic Has Spoken


Probably not a copyright issue as it is a demand issue. Most people don't remember this show, or remember it squarely for Thomas.


This was hands down the best kids show ever! Now Thomas just sucks. Where is the effort they put into the entire show, now its just animated and creepy. Only upside to it is now I know how the engines actually sound like.


SERIOUSLY. There's NO WAY there's an insufficient demand for all the excellent shows such as this one. It NEEDS to be aired or at least made available to watch on DVD, Netflix streaming, or whatever they see fit.

In the interest of time, let's agree to disagree--even though I'm always right.


Did have billys party episode on vhs. Thanksgiving special. Would watch with my kids every year. Oh the memories.
