Detecting a werewolf

I was recently reading the latest book to my collection- The Werewolf Book: The Encyclopedia of Shape-Shifting Beings by Brad Steiger. Good book.

And it had a list of ways to detect if someone's a werewolf. And here's one I'd forgotten... Some people think that a werewolf's urine is purple. Which I foudn to be kind of funny so I thought I'd post this here.

For those curious here is a rough synapsis of all the possible ways of detecting if someone you know might be a werewolf.

1. There are some who believe that somewhere on a werewolf's body you'll find a Pentacle, the five pointed star- symbol of magick. Usually on his chest or hand, but it can be on any part of the body. It's been known that suspected werewolves have been stripped and searched for this symbol the way witch hunters would search on a suspected witch for what they called 'the devil's mark.'
It's also sometimes believed that while in human form the werewolf will see the mark on the face of the person he is next going to kill, whether he likes it or not. as depicted in the television series Dark Shadows.
LIke a vampire with a cross the pentacle is sometimes believed to ward off werewolves as seen in the movie An American werewolf of London. The pentacle being the Ancient symbol of the elements of Earth, air, fire, water and spirit depect nature so it'll naturally protect you and ward off or even hurt the unnatural.

2. Certain types of werewolves- particularly those supposedly born with the condition are suspected as having an extra glad that causes them to bear the oddor of horse droppings and hey.

3. If one or both parents or a grand-parent is a werewolf. Being born of a werewolf does not necessarily mean you'll become a werewolf. Sometimes it skips a generation and sometimes it only hits the males. However if the mother is the werewolf and she gives birth on the night of the full moon the child will definitely be a werewolf

4. If the person has survived an attack by a wolf under a full moon night (or during any time really) in which the person has been bitten or scratched to the point of drawing blood.

5. December twenty-fifth (Christmas) is said to be sacred to at least two religions, anyone who celebrates the Ancient Roman Solstice celebration and Christmas. A child born between December twentieth and December twenty-sixth will often become a werewolf. Certaim cultures even avoided making love during certain parts of the year for fear of possibly having a child born in late December.

6. If a child is born feet first it was once suspected that the child would become a wereolf IF the child survives.

7. Unbaptized children are supposed to be at a greater risk than most at becoming a werewolf.

8. If the eyebrows meet (any bit of hair over the nose between the eyes) it's a sign of likely werewolfism.

9. If the middle or ring finger is longer than the rest of the fingers the person is likely to be a werewolf. (Mine are).

10. A werewolf's urine is often believed to be dark purple in colour.

11. Hair on the palms of the hands are often a sign of werewolfism.

12. Spotting the person where there have been known wolf attacks, murders or live stock kills.

13. If you suspect a child might be a werewolf another possible sign is an early puberty. The werewolf child's sexual awakening is said to be about five years sooner than that of a normal human. In other words, look out for eleven-year-olds who act or look like sixteen-year-olds. Also there is often an unnatural attraction to animals- particularly canines.

14. Enlarged or sharpened teeth.

15. Excess hair growth.

16. Changes in skin. A werewolf transformation could take hours, so subtle physical changes may be detected even before moon rise such as changes in skin pigment, hair growth, ect...

17. Rapid hair and fingernail growth.

18. If you wound him he might revert into his wolf state.

19. If you sexually arrouse him he might revert to his wolf state.

20. Abnormally long tongue. Any tongue that can reach to the base of the chin is abnormally long and sometimes will effect speech.

21. He has a natural aversion to silver and or allergic reaction to the metal. In the seventeen hundreds and possibly earlier it was believed that silver held the power to destroy a werewolf. Think of kryptonite to Super-man.

22. Children found nursed by mother wolves are sometimes believed to have the power to turn into wolves at will.

23. If he drinks a strange potion and or grows the plant Wolfsbane. (Believe it or not this has nothing to do with Harry Potter). Wolfsbane is believed to CAUSE a werewolf transformation if mixed properly in a potion. However you need to be precise about the ingredient measurements or the potion could be deadly. The potion is also believed to allow the werewolf to remain with his human intellect. The potion could also be in a form of an ointment (to cause the transformation).

24. The person keeps a wolf skin or wolf-belt around. This is said to sometimes induce werewolf transformations.

25. If the person is particularly hard to kill. Some werewovles are believed to be immortal accept of course by means of silver, fire to the point of ashes or decapitation. If a werewolf dies (and stays dead) it's said it'll sometimes come back as a vampire.

26. If the person is the servant of what you suspect is a vampire. In some stories the werewolf is an underling of vampires, completely under the vampire's control.

27. The person seems to have unusually strong protein cravings.


How to detect if what you are looking at is a werewolf and not a real wolf. In many werewolf stories in folklore and fiction the werewolf takes on the form of a literal wolf, sometimes it's even sometimes deliberate as opposed to the usual notion that a werewolf has no control. In other stories however the werewolf is a wolf with a man's head or a man's body with a wolf's head. The following is how to detect if a wolf is really a werewolf when it looks like an ordinary wolf.

1. If you kill it, it'll revert to it's human form.

2. It seems immune to the normal methods of killing it. (in the seventeen hundreds and possibly earlier it became 'common knowledge' that only silver can truly kill a werewolf however burning him until nothing remains but ashes or decapitation sometimes does the trick).

3. It has an aversion from silver. Silver is said to be the metal of the moon, the moon is what controls the wolf and silver is said to be the gift of Diana, Goddess of the moon and hunt, so she might be giving us a mean to protect ourselves from moon-based predators.

4. The snout is sometimes slightly longer than normal (not always so).

5. The paws sometimes have thumbs (not always so).

6. The wolf seems unusually intelligent and even might seem capable of reason (usually found in werewolves that change at will).

7. Sometimes it'll be larger or more muscular than a normal wolf or even able to go on it's hind legs. (This is not always true.)

8. They eyes are glowing. A werewolf's eyes sometimes glow one of the following colours - Red, yellow or green.

9. If the wolf appears well fed but not afraid of humans... Most wolves will avoid humans accept if starving or if you're near it's young.

10. If the wolf is wearing any sort of mortal trapping, a necklace or bracelet, a belt that didn't come off in the transformation, earings, ect...

11. If you suspect someone in particular as to having changed into the wolf the wolf MIGHT respond to his or her own name.

12. The wolf is alone. Sometimes werewolves do travel in packs like real wolves but if it's alone chances are it's a werewolf.

13. The wolf for some reason or another physically resembles someone you know- the fur matches the person's hair (if they don't dye their hair), or if the person you suspect has a limp and the wolf has a limp, ect...

14. Werewolves are often faster and stronger than real wolves.

15. It'll be drawn away and or avoid the symbol of the pentacle. (Five pointed star) either that or it'll be angered to the point of charging at you.

16. Werewovles sometimes will not cross running water.

17. If the wolf dies and comes back as a vampire. In some old folk tales if a werewolf dies he'll come back as a vampire.

18. The werewolf yields to the call or command of a vampire. In some folk tales the werewolf is the slave of a vampire and does it's bidding.

19. Sometimes the wolf will look completely like a wolf but have human eyes. If the eyes are distinctly human- such as aqua-marine and intelligent eyes in a wolf, chances are it's not a normal wolf.

20. In the fiction world of J. K. Rowling (only) the werewolf will likely avoid attacking other animals, just people. (I never understood that when standing up against real folklore it's usually that the werewolf is killing live stock)

Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he'll tell you the truth.
