I hate George!!!

So, watching this show for the first time. Really enjoying it. Most of the cast is great, and even the fact that Seinfeld himself, isn't a great actor, does not interfere with my enjoyment. The only blight, is George. I really really can't believe that anyone would put up with him. I don't find him funny. He does, however, turn my stomach. Everytime he is putting his foot in it, I just cringe. I can't believe that the rest of the other characters would put up with him. He's cost people releationships, money,and even a chance at better careers. Hate hate hate his character. Is this a common thing? Is George popular within the Seinfeld fans, or, am I alone in my hatred for this character?


Definitely my favourite character in the show. His scenes are the only funny ones to me, in some episodes. The one I mostly don't care much about is Kramer. To each his own, I guess.


It's weird, when you watch the first season or two the show was really pretty boring. Then, Jason Alexander really changed the way he played George and it did make his character and the show hilarious. Bubble Boy is one of my faves.


Good point and really George became the main character of the show. It mostly revolves around his antic.


Yes, then the writers had Michael Richards do his silly schtick(he basically did the same thing over and over again, the door, the over exaggerated objection to Jerry's plans, the little noises, getting along with enemies such as Newton and the soup nazi). Then have Elaine violently push Jerry and yell "get out!" repeatedly. All this made for many great episodes and notice Jerry mostly just stood around and delivered a few sharp lines each episode. He was just "there" but somehow it all worked. The show had a fantastic group of writers with both Jerry and Larry David at the top of the heap.
