But the shirts.

As I sit here on casual Friday, wearing a messed-up floral print 10% raylon shirt that I bought in 1992, I remember why I bought this shirt. It all started with Parker Lewis. I was in college and went through this phase of wearing pants and messed-up outrageous rayon shirts. Parker used to wear the wildest, craziest and meesed-up prints with pants and tennis shoes. Untucked preferably. So I toook his cue and did it too. You ought to see the pictures.

I kept this shirt as a memory. This was part of the fabulous Fox Sunday night lineup. Simpsons, Married with Children, Parker Lewis, Herman's Head. It being college, we used to get a bunch of beer and sit around and watch the Fox Sunday night lineup (Did COPS come out then too???) I love you Parker, you were the coolest.


Yeah, COPS was on the air at the time but if I recall correctly it was on Tuesday (?) nights. I think it's been in its saturday night timeslot for over 10 years now though.

Did you get any funny looks for wearing that shirt to work? I used to own literally dozens of them as well back in the day (I was in middle school at the time) and would probably still wear them if I hadn't literally grown out of them. I'm more of a polo shirt kinda guy these days though.


When is this show coming to DVD


Hey! I just bumped into one of my old posts! It's like watching a movie on TV and seeing an actor you like show up. "I didn't know Ray Liotta was in this movie!"


I used to wear to shirts because of him (I had his hair too)... Bud Bundy wore them for a bit around the same time too....

Luke... I am your... whatever


If you were a young guy in the early 90's you probably owned at least one rayon shirt! I got mine at 'Jeans West' at the mall [I don't think they exist anymore]. They were the rayon shirt HQ!

’Cause there’s thunder in your heart... Every move is like lightning!



Yeah, you can't talk about Parker Lewis can't lose, without taliking 'bout those FUNKY SHIRTS! OH YEAH! Seriously, Parker Lewis was pretty much a fashion trendsetter, maybe even a fashion icon as far as i'm concerned. You'd get clowned for wearing shirts like that now, but back then it was good times.


Awesome thread I remember when I tried to pattern myself after Parker, got shirts like him, put moose and hair spray in my hair, got the gum to offer chicks, I remember they replayed the show on USA a few years later and Parker was on The Stand, man I miss the show release it on DVD! Great memories!


Yep, I was a freshman in high school and had at least 4 "Jeans West" or "Merry-Go-Round" monstrosities. God, I miss the 20th century. "sniff"


'Merry-go-round'. Nice one! I totally forgot about that one. That sparked another Mall memory... 'Chess King'. Between them, they formed the Bermuda triangle of bad taste in the early 90's.

’Cause there’s thunder in your heart... Every move is like lightning!


I had a closet full of those shirts. I remember Keenan Ivory Wayans sporting them alot on "In Living Color". The early 90's was so damn colorful wasnt it?

"A commitment to cinema means to lead a technically deviant lifestyle."


Yep, Parker inspired my wardrobe as well - but man, when I look back on photos from that era, those shirts look really weird!


Even though I am replying to an 11 year old thread - I am rewatching this now - And the shirts!

I can only think Nelson Mandela had an unaccredited wardrobe advisor role.


Shirts. I get it now.
