Jazz & Will

When did they meet. The opening shows Jazz playing basketball with Will in Phili, But in the show he meets Jazz soon after he moves to Bel-Air. Was there ever an explanation on how they met ??


I dont recall them ever mentioning it. I couldve sworn Jazz was supposed to be from Philly, but when Will hires Jazz as Ashleys drum teacher, he doesnt even know who Jazz is

Here is the clip: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FaDQA3kCUgA

Also, when Will was at the club with Geoffrey and Helen(Naomi Campbell), he sees Jazz DJing. Will tells Jazz to turn on some music that he could dance to so he can win over Helen.
Jazz says, "I dont know what yall do in Philly, we dont give stuff like that away".
Will says "I dont know what yall do in LA, but if we crack on somebodys honey, you get killed"

So im guessing they just met when Will hires Jazz as Ashleys teacher? Lol its confusing. It must be a plot hole.


So im guessing they just met when Will hires Jazz as Ashleys teacher? Lol its confusing. It must be a plot hole
Not really. Will says 'I heard the boy at a club he is aaalllll a that, I hope he's going to be Ashley's new music teacher'. So to me it seems clear Jazz is simply introduced as a DJ Will heard at a club and became friendly with.

I've had a lot of sobering thoughts in my time Del Boy, it's them that started me drinking!


I remember thinking that before once when I was rewatching that drum lesson episode. I was wondering why was Will meeting Jazz as a DJ for the first time in L.A., when Jazz is playing basketball in Philly with him in the opening credits?

I just assumed that they filmed the music video for the theme song before they ever filmed any post-pilot episodes. So they put Jazzy Jeff in without much thought as an extra and he then ended up being written into the show as an actual character.


I think that's the most plausible explanation just as Vernee Watson-Johnson doesn't feature as Will's mother in the opening credits we should just take it with a pinch of salt.

Hey! You're not old enough to drink! Now go and die for your country!!!


I remember someone implying that Karyn Parsons who played Hilary is the lady who plays Will's mother in the opening theme song. "Gee, the lady who plays Will's mother in the opening theme song looks suspiciously like Karyn Parsons wearing a bad wig." LOL.

Drake is repetitive. He just raps the same thing over and over as if he is in an insane asylum! LOL!


Actually it does look a bit like her. Although I saw on a type of wiki site someone suggest it was Will himself lol.

Hey! You're not old enough to drink! Now go and die for your country!!!


I often wondered why the woman who recurs as Will's mother on the show is NOT the same woman from the theme song.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


Well she may not necessarily have been a particularly good actress.

Hey! You're not old enough to drink! Now go and die for your country!!!


Yeah, he is in the opening credits, but probably playing a different character. Jazz was introduced in the second episode of the first season. Will said he met him at a club.


I actually nve realized he was in that scene unlike them using the actress from Wills videos to play his mother. Obviously that was changed to another actress.

Im with those stating he knew jazz from the club and had him teach ashley to play drums
