Why no yellow boots?

I was a big fan of the show's, but there was one thing I always wondered: Why didn't they give the Flash yellow boots like in the comic books? It would have broken up all of that red and not made him look like a moving chili pepper.

s to the left of me.
s to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you!



Considering the women that the Flash has been seen with in the comic books plus how he was always hitting on Power Girl when they were in "Justice League Europe", he is DEFINITELY not gay. Considering that you are questioning the sexuality of a comic book superhero, I would say you have WAY more problems than I do talking about his boots. Tell, do you hate your mother and when did you stop beating your wife and kids? As for "normalcy", my family and friends can attest to the fact that I haven't been "normal" for decades, and they love me for it, too.

s to the left of me.
s to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you!



I know it was a joke, it just wasn't a FUNNY one. You into comic books? "Wizard" magazine, the mag that covers the comic book industry, felt that the Flash was a much improved character with one of the best Rogue's Galleries (next to Spider-Man's and Batman's). But, usually when someone is this vehement in their dislike of a character, there's just no changing their mind. So, go on with your hating (or, as we say in the ghetto: "hatin'").

s to the left of me.
s to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you!



So, then, I gather you're not a fan of Marvel's Quicksilver nor the two previous Flashes, the current Kid Flash, Johnny Quick or his daughter, Max Mercury or Dash from THE INCREDIBLES?

s to the left of me.
s to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you!



Batman is my favorite. Since I liked to run, I had a soft spot for the Flash as well. Of course, who DOESN'T like Superman? However, don't you think he's difficult to write since he's so omnipotent? It must be hard to come up with decent enemies for him to face.

s to the left of me.
s to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you!


It's funny reading this after the administrator has deleted all the other person's posts. Almost seems like you're talking to yourself, LOL.
I kinda wondered about the boots myself, but I still thought the costume was pretty cool compared to how it could have ended up. It'd be very easy to make the costume look cheesey, but with the dark red, I thought it looked great. It'd be interesting to see if they did costume tests with the yellow to see how different it would have been. Maybe it just didn't work?

"I have dreamed a dream, but now that dream is gone from me."- Morpheus


Ironically, Marvel's other speedster, Northstar...is gay. No, really.
I'm serious.
Look it up.


I'm guessing that the yellow boots clashed with the idea of making the outfit easy to blend with the darkness. Wasn't he more a Batman style crimefighter on the show?



Yeah, this was a total Batman rip-off. Aside from all of the things you mentioned, Danny Elfman did the score don't forget the lightning bold in front of the moon.

I'm guessin they saw Batman's one-colored costume work pretty well and decided to do the same. And who knows? Maybe with the cheap video effects they used, making a single red streak was a lot easier than red-and-yellow streak.


Yellow boots aside, I dug the costume. I also think the glove design looks better than the comic version.

No, no, no, don't tug on that. You never know what it might be attached to.


I suspect the color choice was more due to technical reasons than aesthetics. Certain colors reproduce differently on film than when observed by the human eye, especially brighter colors. Without having worked in film, I would guess that yellow is probably a problematic color. Consider how often you see it in film and tv, before digital recording. With digital, you can manipulate lighting and color more precisely. You'll also notice that the red of the suit was a darker shade than was being used in the comics at that time. DC changed the costume design and shading after the series premiered, to closer match the look.

One of the more amusing (and pointless) arguments that arises around comic adaptations is the changes in costuming. Let's face it, most comic book costumes look terrible on live models. Comic book artists draw costumes that adhere to every curve and muscle. Real cloth doesn't do that, even spandex. All you have to do is look at the old Batman series, the 70's and 80's Marvel tv movies, and the Saturday morning live shows to see how silly comic book costumes looked on live models. The exceptions were the Linda Carter Wonder Woman costume, and Christopher Reeve's Superman costume. Both were helped by the physique of the actor, but the designers made good use of materials. Films since the Burton Batman have continued to evolve better and more realistic designs, although it would be nice to see colors other than black (aside from Spider Man and Daredevil).


I know they were red, but I could almost swear they were gold in at least one episode for some unknown reason...


they WERE gold, in the 2nd episode "Out of Control". If you watch closely its unmistakably gold... but i have yet to watch the rest of the series to see if its consistant.


Danny Bilson, and Paul Dd Meo were interviewed in an issue of Starlog # 160, I'm looking at it right now, " The Flash has been around for 50 years ( the Barry Allen Flash for nearly 35 ), and yet, when it came down to designing the suit, we actually had one TV executive suggest that he run around in a grey sweatsuit," the co-producer chuckles.
" There have been some slight modifications in the basic costume," offers De Meo. " We Changed the color of the boots from yellow to red and we've played around ever so slightly with the insignia. We've also added some changes to the cowl to give our Flash a more predatory look. We feel they were important changes because we did'nt want to leaveany doubt in people's minds that our Flash was capable of kicking ass."

This came strait from the producers in this part of the interview, and the minor changes did'nt bother me, to be honest the 2 hour pilot of the Flash was totaly better than the first two ( Keaton ) Batman Movies put together!!, hey it's the Flash, I was happy to see him on TV back in the 90's!
