Was it that bad?

I checked out the show on tv.com and they had givene each episode an 8-10 rating, ive never see n it but is it a terrible show?



I must agree with previous reviews in comments section. This show was a so-so attempt to revive the hilarity of the movie.

The show may also have been an attempt to counter Fox's "Parker Lewis" (which captured the spirit and feelings of "Ferris" movie). Fox's edgier forays and attempts at luring viewers from three networks with cutting edge shows like "In Livin' Color", "The Simpsons" and "Parker Lewis" which had room to push where other three networks had restraint.



A lot of people hated it, but I for one really like it. I watch the episodes quite often. But I also really liked the Fast Times tv show as well. Maybe Im just a sucker for short-lived 80's blockbuster tv spinoffs... LOL


For me I believe the reasoning for some ppl (including myself) for not accepting a television version is due to having to accept this new cast playing these characters we are familiar with from other actors. Such as seeing Jennifer Anston pop on the screen as the sister after accepting the look of Jennifer Grey and recalling how she played the sister.

Think for me the only movie to TV show that I perhaps accepted was that of Clueless and of course that was due to them casting most of the actors from the original movie. So it was not like I had to get use to seeing someone else playing the role.

I don't recall this show too much but do remember when it was supposed to came out. So decided to watch the very 1st episode via youtube and another issue I have with it was where the Ferris character decides to chainsaw Matthew Brodrick picture.

Poop in his hand ... Poop in his hand


Kind of like elderly people having to deal with a minor routine change at the nursing home. Applesauce on Wednesday? Its the end of the world! Let's all freak out about it and never eat applesauce again...


"I don't recall this show too much but do remember when it was supposed to came out. So decided to watch the very 1st episode via youtube and another issue I have with it was where the Ferris character decides to chainsaw Matthew Brodrick picture."

That is the only episode I remember of the TV Ferris too...

TV Ferris had a cardboard cut out of Matthew Broderick as Ferris. TV Ferris was criticizing how Matthew Broderick could even try playing "him".

It probably sounded funny on paper, but the joke really fell flat.


That first scene in the first episode is what destroyed the series. They're basically admitting that the show came from a movie? That's like if Gandalf took out a copy of one of the novels in Lord of the Rings and quoted from it, or when the Double Dragon game showed up IN the movie called Double Dragon, which it was based on.

R.I.P. America, 1776 - 2008
Bring back Scott & Charlene to Neighbours



It's no wonder this show tanked. When writers, producers, etc. keep taking a crap all over the source material, then fans of the original aren't going to accept it. I mean, did this show have anything in common with the movie at all with the exception of the names of the some of the main characters? Ferris Bueller's Day Off is one of my favorite movies and I wouldn't validate this series by wiping my butt with it.


This was one of the worst ideas EVER.
