Not bad, not bad at all

I just bought the DVD to this movie and honestly I had my doubts as to weather or not it was worth the 11.99 I paid for it. But I'm a huge fan of Benicio Del Toro and so I thought even if hes just in one or two scenes, it would be worth it. But I was surprised. It's a pretty good movie. Very well acted by everyone. And BDT looked very young, buff, and skinny (compared with what he looks like now) and played a much bigger role in the film than I thought. If your a fan, this is a must have.


thanks for the review. i trust your opions since you are a fan of good moives and a crazed one of BDT.
luv ya,
God Loves You.



i know i finally saw it. i did not like it that much. much to 80's for me. and i don't think BDt was in it enough. i thinkthey cut one too many of his scenes. sigh.

of course being a fan. i will buy it eventually.

luv ya,

God Loves You.


I finally saw it too, as there were hundreds of copies at my local Best Buy store for $9.99. And guess who was featured on the cover. Benicio. He really was good especially since he was only 22 years old and still had incredible confidence and charisma. His character was dispicable, but mesmerizing, for example when he strutted into the disco and grabbed two girls at once. The movie was slow, but when Benicio came on you really appreciate what he gives to the camera. What a hard working actor. I really have more respect the more I see of his various works.


he was in a disco and grabbed 2 chicks at once? Oh, damn..I HAVE to see this flick! I'm a HUGE Beni fan.

"He'll flip ya. Flip ya for real."


i bought this movie a couple of years ago on vhs from someone on ebay. when i watched it, i noticed many scenes with bdt had been deleted. i keep hoping i just had an older version since i bought it before it was out on dvd. does anyone know if the newer version has all his scenes in there?


I bought this DVD just to watch Benicio. This came out shortly after his stint in "Licence to Kill." Several actors in this movie also appeared playing similar characters in "Traffic" just 10 years later ironically. Benicio was just getting his career started when this movie came out and he wasn't bad. There's people saying however that this DVD is not complete as it was originally aired as a 4-hr. miniseries but it was trimmed down to 130 mins. I found some story gaps that proves this right because the storyline becomes incoherent at times as if scene(s) were missing but overall this movie prepared Benicio to be the great actor he is today.


The original was a six hour movie


Hmm strange, i just bought the dvd here in denmark and the lenght is 4 hours and 20 minutes

A wizard arrives precisely when he meens to



I found a VHS copy of the original airing - it even had the commercials - and overall it was quite good. I'm not sure if the official DVD release had this, but the last 10 minutes of each airing was dedicated to Tom Brokaw discussing the issue of drug trafficking between the U.S. and Mexico and Brokaw - ever the establishment hack - immediately change the subject when one of his guests mentioned that it's demand by Americans driving the trade or when addressed it was framed in a way to shame recreational users of drugs about the "costs" of the drug wars and not the U.S.'s stupid drug policy.

Also, Elizabeth Peña really good in it ... god, I had a crush on her in those days.
