Really great

I think the crystal maze is really great.

It has Richard O'Brian and people with early 90's haircuts, which is quite unbeatable.

If i had to choose the best gameshow ever it would have to be the crystal maze.

The only problem i have with it is when contestants can't get things anything close to being right, so i find myself screaming FFS at the screen but i guess that adds to it really.

Just out of interest i was wondering if any one else thought it was totally sweet. Also i was wondering if any one knew if Richard O'Brian is gay? he looks it but i can't decide.

"A man up and vanished like a FART in the wind!"
the Warden, Shawshank redemption


Jane Moss (1983 - present) 2 children
Kimi Wong (early 1970's - early 1980's) (divorced) 1 son

Not Gay (O:

BRING HIM BACK FOR ANOTHER SERIES- It went downhill when he left but it has even more potential now than it did in early 90s because of the other trashy gameshows and nothing really at all worth watching on at tea time.

In a mad world, only the mad are sane- Akira Kurosawa


Yes we should all sign a petition for the show and Richard to be brought back! I woonder how many names we could get? Even if it was just for one last one-off episode!


Somehow I don't think he'd do it again as he is 64 in 3 months! Plus, I think he'd rather enjoy chilling out more than presenting it again...BUT, I do sorely miss him and wish he would come back, but very unlikely, sorry peeps *dan*


My ex-girlfriend used to babysit his children, so he's either not gay or in denial =)


He is a transvestite, but that's another story :-)
