DVD or Video

hi. i was just wondering about my all time favourite show, and i need to know where it is available from without watching Challenge (TV channel)...
is there anywhere else that has thos cool show?????
The Crystal Maze...

Yes! I am invincible! - Boris Grishenko, GoldenEye 1995



Aah, I got mine from Tesco.com, and for only £7.50 inc. postage and packaging (but this was about 6 mnths ago) so it's possible to get it quite cheap! *Dan*


hey is it possible for u to share the videos with us. you can use rapidshare or megaupload to upload and proide us with the links....


If you look on ebay you can get the for as little as £10. Amazon just takes the p***!


thanks i will try tesco


they should release the entire 6 seasons on dvd. well, the first 4 anyway. couldn't care less about the ed stuff


they should or they shall?

I want those DVDs dang it!


lol me too...

The Crystal Maze is the best TV show ever in my view...
"Yes! I am invincible!" - Boris Grishenko, GoldenEye, 1995


yes yes yes -- will the start the DVDs please !!!


I was actually pretty suprised that no-one is selling bootleg home-made DVDs of the show on Ebay. You seem to be able to get loads of other unreleased cult shows on there (like Knightmare and things), and The Crystal Maze was very popular.


Yeah someone could make a lot of money just selling copies of their VHS tapes of it; even more if they took the time to make a DVD. I highly doubt there would be any copyright issues since the show is over 10 years old and the original property holders aren't even selling the show anymore.
