Ed or Richard?

Who was your favorite presenter?
I prefererred Richard O'Brien, AKA Riff Raff... what about you?

"Mmmm... Unprocessed fish sticks."


i was really too young to remeber rich but when i watched the re runs u definetly see no reall difference in their greatness



Yeah Edward was rubbish, for me Richard made the show, without him there really is no crystal maze. I mean, the guy plays harmonica and even makes sandwiches for the contestants - dont see edward making no sandwiches, he was just annoying if anything.

"A man up and vanished like a FART in the wind!"
the Warden, Shawshank redemption


Richard by faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!



wow richard made sandwiches?

what a cool guy

I'd have to say richard was the best he was cool in kind of a strange uncle kind of way......

"All I ask, is that you love me as much as I love myself...."



I actually prefered Ed.
This is probably because I started watching the show around 1993-4 so the first host I knew was Ed and not Richard.

When I eventually watched the re-runs of the previous series I simply liked Ed more because he was the 'original' host from my point of view.

"I swear he does that just to piss me off..." - Emmett, Road House


I liked them both but I preferred Richard because he was the original, and you got the impression that Ed was trying too hard to fill ROB's shoes (or should that be boots?) Maybe it wasn't his fault if that was how he was told to be, and don't get me wrong, I did like him, but for me ROB was better.


Richard was the best


ed tried to hard to be like richard even to the point of nicking his clothes and lines, give me ravinous rick he was the greatest

Thunderbirds Aren't Slow


Richard definately. I was only tiny when he presented but I remember watching it still. And seeing re-runs too.

Hansel...He's so hot right now.


Richard was the best presenter (my whole family agrees) but i have nothing against Ed

Yes! I am invincible! - Boris Grishenko, GoldenEye 1995


RICHARD O BRIAN!!!!! he was the best host by a long long way. he had so much presence, he maked it fun and entertaining even when there was a tedious game going on.
and his random harmonica blasts and his strange relationship with "mumsy" added to the greatness of the show.
ed tudor pole was very nervous at first and didnt add much to the show at first, but he came around and was ok, even if he was trying to be richard so bad, he wasnt bad but to compare him to ravishing rick? pah no contest!



rich, by a long way

In a mad world, only the mad are sane- Akira Kurosawa


Richard O Brien was THE BEST. Poor Ed did his best but there was no comparison. Richard was just pure CLASS!



Of course it was Reckless Rick but Ed didn't do too bad. The Crystal maze reruns are brill. 80s style in the 90s. Check out the competitors hair styles, hehe. Richard O'B was a wizard


Richard, without a doubt!


Richard by a mile. I did like Ed.

I think the only choose Ed because he played Riff Raff on stage in 1990. And Richard was the original Riff Raff.

(If you don't know who Riff Raff check out the The Rocky Horror Picture Show - it's the most amazing film ever!)


Hmmm... I didn't know Ed played Riff Raff on stage... that's interesting info. I can definitely see him in the part... although Richard is the one and only true Riff Raff forever and ever!

"The darkness must go
Down the river of night's dreaming
Flow morphia slow
Let the sun and light come streaming
Into my life, into my life..."


I orginally saw, Richard first after watching it on "Challenge" (used to be Challenge TV, if any of you can remember), then saw Ed. Preferred Richard Better, without him, the show didn't seem like it used to. I guess Richard had more enthusiasm for the team, than Ed, who seemed to care more about the game than anything else, as well as richrd doing the harmonica, and sandwiches thing, and he just had the seriousness and heart and soul of the true game.


Richard for deffo!


I think the majority of people liked Richard O'Brien best because he had one incredible personality which just fitted in with the weird way the game works, and he has a way of bonding with the contestants. He also played the harmonica extremely well, made sandwiches, and he looked like he was really having fun whilst he was presenting it. He even played the piano in the Medieval Zone from time to time. That's why I liked him so much, and that's why he's my favourite. He was one of the main reasons people watched the show, and (no disrespect to Ed), also one of the reasons his departure marked a serious drop in the ratings from 1993 to 1994.

However, there was nothing wrong with Ed. He just had the problem of stepping into the shadows of one truly incredible presenter. Ed also looked like he was having fun, and he was another great character, but for me, I'll always associate this incredible program with "Respectable Ric". I think the series as at its best in 1992, cos the games were amazing, and the Industrial Zone's games were the best.

"They will take us and they'll make us human slaves in an insect nation."


I was only about 6 or 7 when i started watching the show in 92/93, but i found it amazing!! Was a family ritual to sit through the Crystal Maze on whatever day it was on, and nowadays i laugh at the truely apalling and feckless people who seemed to be off on the day they taught initiative (AND MATHS!!) at school.

I only ever saw one episode with Ed, the one where he took over from RO'B/kids special (same ep..? had it on VHS anyhow) but i thought he was allright, even if he wasnt as exuberant as his predecessor. I thought the idea of him being a bit more detached from the team was more ideally suited, similar to Dr Who being a class apart from his lovely assistants, as i felt it added an extra hint of mystery to him.

As im at university now i cant see the daytime repeats on Challenge as often as I'd like, but it is embedded deep into my childhood like many other legends (thomas the tank engine, ghostbusters :D)

Just out of interest, is there any hard copy releases of the series available?

PS. An example of such buffoonery shown by a contestant that i remember well, was in the aztec zone and the person came out the game and Richard was expecting them to have the crystal..

[must have been an auto-lock in if you touched the floor..lol!]


Richard, hands down.

Edward T.P was alright,but Richard had this absolute showmanship about him, that he sticks in your memory years down the line.

Sorry, Ed.

"Lehmunade! do you see anyone coming?"

"The answer is a lemon.."


Richard without a doubt because although i did see the later ones i cant remember what ed looked like and didnt even know his name until i saw this board




Richard O'Brien for the next Doctor Who!


I thought Richard O' Brien was the best host on The Crystal Maze. What was good about Richard was during each game, he interacts with the auidence and he also adds humour and improvises to the show. I always thought the ending of each episode was funny, the way Richard said "Bye". Still, i thought Richard was the best. I think it would had been nice to see Richard on the new series of Doctor Who. He could either play The Doctor or The Master or another Renegade Time Lord who survived the time war.


Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole Ed Tudor Pole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Given, Richard had more of a personality and added an extra something to the show, but I will always pick Ed over Rich. Plus Ed was in the Sex Pistols temporarily!

~Memories, sharp as daggers. Pierce into the flesh of today~


"Given, Richard had more of a personality and added an extra something to the show, but I will always pick Ed over Rich."

If you think Richard better personality and added extra. Then why did you pick Ed? Ed being the lead singer of the Sex Pistols for a day (or something like that) doesn't really have much bearing on why you prefer him over Ritz.


Probably for the same reason as I liked Ed more, I saw the episodes with him as the host first, and so generally I just tend to prefer him...

"Nasty French planet, filled with shifty, back-stabbing, croissant-sniffing, nitwits!!!"


I think Richard was better for the same reasons as everyone else.

I saw Ed when he was supporting the Sex Pistols tribute band and I think he's probably more suited and more comfortable in that type of environment, with more people, rock and roll, that type of thing. He was still a good presenter though.


Ed was the best by far



Richard was better, his laid-back, avuncular but eccentric style was lacking aftewr he left and it just wasn't the same without him.

I didn't like Ed at first, he seemed like too much of a drama queen, but when he found his feet he wasn't actually bad. Trouble is the damage had been done by then, and they lost too many viewers to continue with the show beyond 1995.

