
I know this legendary gameshow is being re-run on Challenge at 8am at the moment, but since I unfortionatly dont have that channel I can't watch it. :(

Does anyone know of anywhere else I can find The Crystal Maze being shown or where I can get episodes from?


"I swear he does that just to piss me off..." - Emmett, Road House


I completely agree with you. I would love it if they released all of the six series on a DVD or even a video collection. I love the show that much, I think channel 4 (UK) should start them again (that was the original channel).

Yes! I am invincible! - Boris Grishenko, GoldenEye 1995


I have heard that The Crystal Maze is coming to Freeview channel FTN (Channel 20) in January 2007. I read it on the Wikipedia page so it may not be true, but I hope it is!
