stupid contestants

Where do they find these people, is it me or are they really stupid i thought i was stupid but these grown ups take the piss. especialy when they clearly havn't got the crystal they still stay in the room and try, bless them. then they end up getting locked in.

i saw one women who couldn't even fit the correct blocks in the right holes which is a nursery game to my knowledge.

i also pissed myself when the women fell into the water whilst walking across the turning timber beam. the idea of the game is to reach with the pole to get the crystal not lob the pole up into the air hoping it'll grap it, TUT!

also i laught when the bloke couldn't even blow down the pipe properly with the pea shooter game.

And most of the contestants have decents jobs aswell yer right!!!!

i only watch the show for a laugh now. abit like X factor, a chance to laugh at the misfits.

Care to add any other stupid moments.


I completely agree with you!

I've said it before, but there was one man who won the crystal but couldn't get it out of the little box thing it was inside, so eventually Richard had to get it for him.

The turning timber beam is always funny - people always fall in.

*There is no love in your punches!* - Kakihara


I agree too. I take it you've both been watching the ftn repeats in the last couple of weeks. That guy with the glasses that couldn't get the crystal out failed so many games it was hilarious, and that woman falling into the water has to be the all time funniest moment in the show.

Starting to think that this first series is getting a little boring though now, as the sets and games aren't as fancy as they are in later series' and the same games over again are getting a little repetitive now.

"Nasty French planet, filled with shifty, back-stabbing, croissant-sniffing, nitwits!!!"


Yeah! What an idiot! Gotta love ftn. I watched it today and saw possibly the silliest, dumbest team ever, but they still managed to get the top prize, which was insane. I love this show so much, especially Richard's crazy antics, and of course the bouffant, 90's hairstyles.

*There is no love in your punches!* - Kakihara


The woman in the water was so funny, tries to run across a slippery twisting wooden pole, legs go one way, rest of the body goes the other, straight into the water and she's locked in. Then another contestant tries to argue with Richard O'Brien despite the fact she's still in the water ten seconds after the clock has timed out. As Richard said "She spent too much time in the water and not enough time out of the door".


What made me laugh every time was as soon as the door closed behind the contestant, some bright spark would always shout, 'Can you see the crystal?!'

I'm off work with flu this week and thank god for the Ftn repeats... I frequently end up shouting at the TV.

Richard O'Brien rocks!

'That rug really tied the room together.'


there was one game when they had to put together a jigsaw which made D3 then go to the wall where the crystal was find d3 go down 3 places and so on till you get the crystal.

there was this one guy who couldn't see the great big thing on the wall let alone follow the instructions.

Richard had to go in and point to it.

I think that was the same game that was mentioned in the first REPLY.

I'll do what I want to anyway
I'll do what I want and I'll do it in my own time.


i think i have to admit that if i was placed in a situation with a crazy bald man playing the harmonica and saying pretty spaced out things, inside a huge television set and not entirely understanding what i was doing, then i think i would make mistakes like that!!


i can remember a spoof of it from The Mary Whitehouse Experience around the same time.

a girl ran into a room and was meant to make a cup of coffee, she panicked and has to come out after 5 seconds. pretty much sums up the level of the real contestants



I still have that spoof on VHS. Hugh Dennis tries to make a cup of tea. And Steve Punt is outside being Ritz, saying why doesn't he have to put up with this as he's wrote a Westend musical.

Or something like that its a while since I watched it.


if you can you should upload it to youtube

it sounds funnier now than when i saw it originally, probably because I was a bit too young to know about the rocky horror show


i totally agree with saying the contestants are stupid , i constantly shout at the tv too because most of the games are so damn obvious , i often wonder if the contestants were from some kind of nut house or something coz lets face it theyd have to be to not know what to do in most of the games.

Victims...........arent we all.



on many occaisions on the doorbell game people have spent to much time making the doorbell then everyones shouting "RING THE BELL" and they say where and they do but then its too late



Yesterday's episode on FTN was hysterical; a male contestant was crawling through the tunnel-maze of mirrors.
He got to the crystal but got confused with the mirrors and just prodded the glass next to the crystal.
Thinking that he had the crystal safely, the team cheered and shouted "OK come on out now!"
He backtracked and hit the door because they told him to, with about 40 seconds to spare.
He crawled out and they cheered. "Where is the crystal then? But you got it, didn't you?"...


The look on Richard's face was priceless. There have been many thick contestants but this guy has to be the worst I have ever seen.

*** Clever people like me who talk loudly in restaurants, see it as a plea for help ***


I thought 1 contestant was smarter than most, was the underwater world, where they had to transport a candle under the water in a glass jar, to blow up the dynamite on the chest, thus getting the crystal.

He enters the room and figures it out immediately. He gets the candle to the other side, puts it on the ledge, then jumps on the ledge, pouring all the water on himself on the candle. Then he panics and asks what to do now.....

pure genius


I remember this one guy who did that game in the Ocean zone where you had to read flags on a wall and open several boxes until you reached the crystal. One of those really easy games too. Not only did this guy spend much too long figuring the game out, he ignored the rest of the team's shouting at him to come out when he was trying to open the crystal box. 3 seconds after the clock reached zero, he grabbed it and banged on the locked door in vain.

Most stupid lock in I've ever seen. Especially considering it was one of the later episodes.


I just watched a frustrating as episode on Uk Challenge.

This bloke put a puzzle together, which spelt out U3

all he then had to do was find a box labelled U3, he spent 1.30 trying to find it and didn't win the crystal, despite working the puzzle out so quickly.
