25 Years later...

...it's even harder to look at this monstrosity than it was when it originally aired in 1990! I remember being so embarrassed watching this! I just saw some clips of this show on YouTube, and it's even more embarrassing now! My opinion has always been that the actors, producer, and writers must have all been complete idiots to think this was a good idea. Maybe they arrogantly thought this was going to be the next "Fame"!! If any of them were smart, they would go into the movie vaults in Hollywood and destroy the negatives for this disaster!!


It did strike me as odd. I gave it a "huh?" reaction, then tried to watch five minutes or so of it. I saw this African American woman dressed as an officer leading a trio of dancers down a corridor as she sung her heart out.

I really can't pass judgment on it as I actually didn't see a great deal of it, but it did seem to be an unlikely candidate for a TV series. The other musical TV show that's streaming from Amazon, staring what's her name as Lilith from Frasier/Cheers, looks pretty good. But that show shows promise because it's a comedy about office life.

Trying to put "West Side Story" from a cops POV on the TV screen is also ambitious, but I think suffers from the fact that most people probably want a "serious" police drama, and not some Busby Berkeley-fied production that skews negatively with males who watch police shows, and probably don't like musicals to begin with.

It's that last part that gets me as to why this show was produced.

But hey, somebody had to do it.


What shocks me the most is that this even made it on the air!


It does make a guy wonder. I think the suits were sold on the premise, and decided to take a chance on it.

It is kind of weird though. Musicals lend themselves to very artistic crowd, or even feminine. Police shows are diametrically opposite (or even opposed) to the musical genre. Oh well.


Sounds about right. It only lasted a few weeks. I remember at the time it was made fun of a LOT....the first time I watched it I felt embarrassed...it was just that bad!!
