MovieChat Forums > The Civil War (1990) Discussion > Shelby Foote 25 years later

Shelby Foote 25 years later

verges on offensive.

Barbara Fields on the other hand is positively prescient.


Really. I can't wait to hear why. The man wrote the definitive book on the Civil War and I love to hear him talk about it. He was by far the best speaker they interviewed for the series. I could listen to him read the phone book.

As for Fields, I agree with her assessment that slavery was the root cause of the war but I was always a little bothered by her comment (paraphrasing here) that she really wasn't interested in the battles or war tactics other than the fact that armies and men with guns had finally taken up a higher cause. Or something to that effect. It came off pretty dismissive and obtuse. Those battles were pretty important to the 600,000 people who died in them. Just always struck me as a crappy thing to say. Maybe I just took it the wrong way.


Well he did have an inherent bias in how he spoke. He never really praised anything the Union did, and he spoke so cheerfully of everything the South did.

Man this party is like an orgy at a campsite......its ***king in tents.


I disagree. While I have not reAd his civil war narrative, I have read that he did not incorporate lost "lost cause" beliefs in that narrative. also when talking about Fredericksburg he says he knows of no braver troops than the Union troops that charges maryes heights.


I think it's an easy out to say he praised all the south did because he is southern, and speaks with that wonderful southern drawl.


I never said any of that. If you can't hear his obvious bias then thats your problem. Just look at the way he describes battles and pictures. The choice of adjectives he uses.

Man this party is like an orgy at a campsite......its ***king in tents.


Pity they were commanded by.Burnside!


Mister Foote speaks so highly of Lincoln and Grant that many Southerners are offended. Foote opines that the War produced two geniuses: Forrest and Lincoln.
Foote also points out how Grant outgeneraled Lee. As pointed out in an earlier post, Foote is of the opinion that there were no braver soldiers than the Federal troops at Fredericksburg, Virginia.
Foot also dispels the notion that one rebel soldier was worth ten Yankee hirelings. As Foote put it: not by a long shot.
So I have to wonder at your bald statement: He never really praised anything the Union did, and he spoke so cheerfully of everything the South did.
It is obvious you either did not watch the Series or you watched it with a bias.
As to Barbara Fields, her dismissive comment about the battles is low, especially for a professional historian.


I've posted elsewhere that I'm an Englishman with very limited knowledge of the Civil War. Despite the fact that even I could tell that the Mason Dixon line lay far to the north of Mr Shelby's home it I certainly couldn't see any bias, on the contrary I found him to be a most informative, even-handed and entertaining expert.


And I feel exactly the opposite. I'd love for Ken Burns' to release, in order, the 85 hours of Foote interviews. As for Fields, other than that horrible "Climbing Jacob's Ladder" music, she's the only person in the entire program I FF zap immediately.

And before you accuse me of racism, I own and watch hours of dvds on racism, Reconstruction, and the Black struggle for civil rights. I just don't like her arrogant attitude. "I get tired of people saying they were limited by their times (paraphrase)." Damn woman, we're ALL limited by our times except for a very gifted few, and she's not one of them.

As for his trilogy, I've read it cover to cover twice and am in volume two of my third reread*. Considering his Southern origin, he's very objective in his writing, and in a forward to his third volume, published in 1974, he's very critical of Southern leaders and people and their reactions to the '60s Civil Rights movement.

*Update 10/25/16. I'm now in volume 2 of my 4th reread, and it's just as compelling as ever.


If you think Barbara fields is a historion compared to Shelby Foote she doesn't say one thing about the civil war itself, just her views about it is still being fought. Get off of your racial, one sided thinking! Can you imagine a country in Africa where they would go to war to free white people if they were enslaved! I Love my black brothers and cannot understand why thy raise hell when a white person shoots a black person but dont say a thing about the 368 murders in Chicago ALONE this year so far of black shooting black? Those don't count? 17 were children under 12! Most white people are not their enemy. President Obama would have never made it to the white house if the civil war was "still being fought". Her comments were the only thing offensive in the whole show.
