Fan Fiction storyline involving Gaia

I liek the character of Gaia, it would have been interesting to see story where maybe the eco villain mind controlled her, would have been interesting to see a evil side of her. I came up with a couple of ideas involving Gaia being corrupted or mind controlled, people are free to add their own ideas to them.

Dream Master
Zaam returns and with the help of Dr. Blight, he goes to Hope Island and invades Gaia mind in her dreams, he manages to brainwash her that the planet is being destroyed by heartless earth people who do not care for earth and even a planeteers do not care. With hatred in her heart Gaia goes on path of destuction on the people of earth and its up to the planeteers to save the day and Gaia.

Exit Mother Earth, Enter Queen of Hate
Dr.Blight creates a personality changer and uses it on Gaia to make her a uncaring, cold spirit who doesn't care for Earth and only intends to rule.

Rat Queen
Skumm invades Hope Island and puts Gaia to sleep after releasing a sleeping gas via a rat into Hope Island. He injects Gaia with Rat Rutt that starts to turn Gaia into a Rat. Soon Hope Island becomes a Rat infested Island and Skumm hopes for Gaia to be their Rat Queen.

Polluted Corruption
Dr. Blight finds Gaia has a weakness for pollution, she creates a oxygen mask that mixes pollution with a mind controlling fluid. She pollutes hope Island making Gaia weak and then forces the mask on her putting her under her control.

The Devil in Me
Gaia is angry with the recent happenings on earth but controls her anger within her. This creates another being of her who causes destruction and havoc and slowly starts to take her over.


All good ideas. You should write them as fanfictions or post them as fanfiction challenges for someone else.
