MovieChat Forums > Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990) Discussion > Whose relationship/friendship was your f...

Whose relationship/friendship was your favorite?

Whose “connection” on the show was your favorite? As much as I enjoyed the friendship between Kelly and Donna, I’d actually have to say the friendship between Kelly and Steve is my favorite. Obviously theirs had a rocky start, but it blossomed into what I felt was a very deep bond.


I'd have to go with Brandon and Steve. They both brought out the best in each other. Brandon was less judgmental (barely) and acted more like a typical teen/20-something when hanging out with Steve. And Brandon helped Steve to not be such a Beverly Hills drama queen.


I'd have to go with Brandon and Steve. They both brought out the best in each other. Brandon was less judgmental (barely) and acted more like a typical teen/20-something when hanging out with Steve. And Brandon helped Steve to not be such a Beverly Hills drama queen.

I liked their friendship too. It seemed Priestley and Ziering were genuine friends as well. Their lines, especially from S3 on, often felt improvised.


Favorite Friendship: Brandon and Steve

Favorite Relationship: David and Valerie

"Never mind walking a mile in my shoes. Try thinking a day in my head."


I like Steve and Brandon friendship the seem to be the true best friends. Poor David I guess he didn't really have a best friend in the group I do like his brother/sister relationship with Kelly and how she started calling him her brother.

I had made a post about Donna and Kelly friendship, sometimes I felt like their friendship was like a mother & daughter type friendship Donna seem so dependent on Kelly sometimes and sometimes seem a little jealous when Kelly started hanging with someone else.


Tough to answer. Many had special moments - even the "lesser" friendships, like Dylan and David.

I forget who mentioned it in another topic, I think it was blaque, who made me realize that relationship aside, Dylan and Brenda had a great friendship through it all. I also liked Brandon and Brenda, at least in the beginning.

I know people like David and Val and I understand why, but I think he gave up on her too easily - twice.


Brandon and Steve
Kelly and Donna


Friendship: Steve and Brandon
Relationship: Brenda and Dylan

Although Steve was always getting in trouble and Brandon seemed to be the one getting him out of trouble, they truly cared for one another. Steve was grateful for his friendship and would always have Brandon's back if he needed him.

Of all the relationships Brenda and Dylan seemed the most real. The both fell hard for one another when she first moves to town. She also was the one girl Dylan when out with that he did not take for granted. He never pulled any of his holier than thou routine with her.


That is true I don't know many people that would put up with Steve childish ways and how he was always getting into these stupid situations. For some reason Brandon stuck with him.


The one time I was like "wow," was when Brandon literally had to threaten the professor to get Steve out of trouble. The one time Steve got caught stealing the baseball from the professor's office, since a member of his fraternity he was pledging set him up. Despite having slept with his wife, Brandon tell the professor that if he does not let it go he will go public with him passing a member of the basketball team who never did the required work. Yes, Steve was going to return the ball and perhaps the professor should of let it go, but Brandon REALLY had to go out of his way this time to save Steve.


Awndrea and the deaf kid.

Awndrea pleading and begging the kid's mom to let him join the summer camp was a real tear jerker.


kenny bannerman &! hot! hot!

"Hipness is not a state of mind, it's a fact of life!" - Cannonball Adderley


My favorite is actually Andrea and Brandon. I really dislike Steve. He is shallow, a cheat, spoiled, and very selfish. Brandon loosened up around him, but Steve was just needy. Dylan was always a loner, and despite the fact he and Brandon were pals, Dylan was also needy. Andrea was the only friend who I feel he didn't have to constantly save or get out of trouble. I feel like Brandon really respected her in a way he he never really showed anyone else. I love how when she was with another guy he would get weirdly possessive and jealous. I like how he called her "chief."


Dylan was always a loner, and despite the fact he and Brandon were pals, Dylan was also needy.
See, I really liked this, between Dylan and Brandon. It was sweet of Brandon to take care of Dylan - be his friend, stick around with Dylan despite the fact that he was generally more of a loner. Brandon pulled Dylan in just as much as he pulled Andrea in, if not more.


Well.....he did come to rescue when she was having the affair and learned he was not going to leave his wife for her and ran out of the motel distraught. I also think while Brandon was not constantly getting Andrea out of trouble, he did have to constantly deal with her feeling insecure and not like she is part of the gang.


Relationship. Brenda and Dylan
Friendship. Brandon and Andrea


I thought Dylan was the one who helped Andrea when she was having the affair. I remember Dylan talking to her about it, listening to her, not being judgemental- yet making her face what she was really doing. That was one of my favorite moments in the show. Dylan and Andrea always had some great scenes together. I don't remember Brandon even knowing about her affair.


Dylan and Andrea would have been interesting. She was from the 'wrong side of town
and he was supposed to be a big rebel who was highly intelligent.

Dylan read books for fun in high school...which Andrea did not even do!! Scored super high on his SAT. So high they accused him of cheating when he took it at a different site.

Andrea would have LOVED hearing Iris's tales of the 60's--and being a flower child.


nat & joan diamond---such romance!

The food I've liked in my time is American country cookin'-Colonel Sanders 🇺🇸


the 100 meter dash of ANDREA AND STEVE!
seriously, that was a horse race but it was wonderful!

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


betting on the ponies is always a fun time!

The food I've liked in my time is American country cookin'-Colonel Sanders 🇺🇸


I always liked Brenda/Donna. It was fairly low-key but that's how friendships are.
