MovieChat Forums > Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990) Discussion > 90210 gang in the zombie apocalypse

90210 gang in the zombie apocalypse

We know that West Beverly High football legend Tony Miller (RIP) was a long time survivor of the zombie apocalypse. After a solid college football career and less than stellar academic career, Tony joined the US Army and started a family. He was living the American dream until his family was eaten by zombies and he reinvented himself as “Abraham”. Again and again, even in the direst situations, he showed the same honor and integrity we saw in the BH90210 season 4 premier. Tony Miller was a force and a heart to be reckoned with!

How do you think the rest of the gang fared in the ZA?


Saint Donna probably would have felt pity and tried to date a zombie and/or let a female zombie move in as a roommate.

I also suspect the zombies be drawn to David's music. Perhaps it could be used to lure them into ambushes.


You're probably right about Donna dating a zombie, after all she dated Joe.


Speaking of zombie-esque boyfriends, they might mistake Noah for one their own. He's got the constantly open mouth and that braindead look in his eyes.

Matt Durning probably wouldn't even be recognized as organic, and thus would be ignored by the zombies, the same way they would ignore a chair or cardboard box.


I'm still picturing Dancin Dave leading a train of zombies like the pied piper. 🎤


muntz would not be stopped.

The food I've liked in my time is American country cookin'-Colonel Sanders 🇺🇸


Nat would get turned into a zombie for sure. Everybody would run to the Pit to hole up only to be be attacked by Nat and the staff.

Also, Duke would surely get his comeuppance for his villainous ways.


The Peach Pit makes sense to hold up in if possible. Smaller windows in front and none in back. Lots of food and knives. The staff would be good zombie fodder.

I could picture Nat getting bit but playing it cool. He'd be sweating profusely and trembling, but still smiling and making megaburgers, reassuring everyone he's alright. Steve says, "leave the man alone, he says he's fine!" When Nat goes back to the kitchen we can see the fear in his eyes... A few minutes later Steve announces he's going to the kitchen for more ketchup...


pruit pumpkins would be the savior.

The food I've liked in my time is American country cookin'-Colonel Sanders 🇺🇸


Let's not forget Auuuhndrea's efforts in trying to spread zombie awareness to all who will listen, insisting walkers need rights, too. Eventually getting Brando involved by either signing her petition or forcing him into making a speech at her Walker Rights Conference.

Kelly will refuse to get involved; insisting zombies are addicts. Also, she will no doubt be accosted by one of the zombies and the whole crew will have to run to her in her time of need. All the while Valerie is smirking in the background because she knows a dirty secret: Kelly's current Beau is a zombie and she's hoping Kelly will become his victim if she Waits it out.


 Good call! Brandon would brush off her concern for the welfare of the zombies, and feel the sting of a signature Andrea insult right before commercial break..

Andrea: Zombies are dying, Brandon!
Brandon: Chief, they're already dead.
Andrea: You know sometimes, I think you're the zombie (Storms off.)
Brandon: ಠ_ಠ


time for some megaburger solace.

The food I've liked in my time is American country cookin'-Colonel Sanders 🇺🇸


Dylan would be single-handedly beating back a wave of zombies and Kelly would ask, "Why are you ignoring me?"


Kelly: "It's because I'm not Brenda, isn't it? Oh don't blame it on the zombie apocalypse!"

David is still desperately trying to Jumpstart his hiphop career much to his chagrin people would rather listen to zombies moan than his newest rendition of 'Precious zombie love'.


precious zombie love! i smell a hit!

The food I've liked in my time is American country cookin'-Colonel Sanders 🇺🇸
