Donna being stalked....

Seems like that whole storyline where Donna was stalked in season 7 was maybe thought up because of the popularity of the movie Scream. I don't remember that movie very well so I don't know if the stories are similar but that movie came out in late 1996 and the stalking Donna episodes were early 1997 I think.

Any other storylines you can think of which seem inspired by popular films of the 90s?


Obviously, the Tara storyline and Single White Female is the most blatant one.


When Steve was looking to be a Sports Agent, reminded me of Jerry McGuire.


Lol. I liked when Steve thought he was going to become a music promoter or an artists' manager or whatever back in high school! Lol I guess it was possible though.

My brother used to help promote a band in high school called Psycho Butterfly and they never got anywhere, but one of the band members went on to become very famous. So I guess anything is possible!


Oh! Ha ha! I never even thought of the Single White Female connection. I haven't seen that movie in years. But yes...very similar!
