What was Kay's job?

She and her coworkers all wore purple uniforms with nametags, but I didn't get what kind of workplace it was supposed to be--some sort of office? Why was she in uniform? Was she in health care, retail, what? I could not tell what sort of establishment it was.

**Showtime, Synergy!**


I don't know either. Was it intentionally vague and surreal? The dynamics between the co-workers belonged to a high school...


Quote from Festival de Cannes site:

In the chill of a suburban night a little tree is killed. A bank clerck catches cold. A love that was predestined starts to die...
Kay is the ordinary bank clerck: Sweetie is her sister...

Also, early in the film, when Louis comes to visit Kay at her work, you can see office cubicles and a poster on the wall that says something about GREAT SAVINGS...
