Looking for the TV Version

Hi Everyone,

I'm looking for the TV version of Who's Harry Crumb - does anyone have it?

Here are the reported differences:

The U.S. TV network version has several scenes added some of which include:

•Additional dialogue between Harry Crumb and the man on the bus played by James Belushi.
•The scene where Harry Crumb meets Nikki is extended to Nikki calling out to and introducing the lazy butler Tim where she tells Crumb that Tim is actually her second cousin.
•A long scene of Harry Crumb talking to Helen Downing in the wine celler before the dinner scene which ends when Crumb acidently sets off a skeet shooting machine and destroys the wine racks and flooding the basement with ankle-deep red wine.

I've got lots of alternate TV versions to trade - can anyone help?

Thanks in advance


I'm clearing out of a box of VHS tapes of stuff I taped off the TV, this is one of the movies I found. I also have Dirty Dancing, Point Break, Caddyshack...a bunch of others. Lemme know if you're interested.


Thanks - sent you a PM.


You should post all of these scenes on YouTube.
I have wondered for a while if movie studios are preserving TV cuts of their movies. DVDs of the films come out and they do not include the TV only scenes all the time. The Jerk is one example. There are probably tons of movies this way, especially 80's and 90's movies that played on cable a lot.
