MovieChat Forums > Vili, a veréb (1990) Discussion > Something stinks in the USA

Something stinks in the USA

I've been reading the comments for this movie (a childhood favorite for me, I saw it at the cinema!), and came across two ugh... STRANGE parents'-comments from the USA. One's complaining about a character, who gets drunk, and another says, that people are spraying aerosol at each other's face, and her child copied that...
I got a little curious, so don't mint if I'm asking:
All american children are idiots??? Or just a type of them, that can be spotted out easily and ignored????
Oh dear god! A character gets drunk? So what? People are getting drunk all the time, and I'm sure, your little kid knows exactly well, just to avoid drunk persons. If not, well its your fault. Don't blame the film. Anyway, drunkness is portrayed BAD. Understand that? VERY BAD!!!! Alcohol makes that character stupid, talk stupid, being unable to fly properly (we're talking about sparrows here), and without the help from our protagonist, Willy, he couldn't make it home in one piece. What's the problem with that? It tells your kid NOT to drink. Period.
About the other comment. It this story, the fairy doesn't have a magic wand, instead of that, she's using a can of magic-powder. Theres this EXACT scene, where she pulls the can from his bag, and points it at Willy. While the Fairy starts to tell some magic words, Willy ask this: "Whats that, aerosol?". The fairy looks somewhat angrier, than she continues telling magic words. So guess what? IT IS NOT AEROSOL, you morons... Strangely enough, after i watched this movie, DID NOT feel the urge to spray aerosol into someone's face. I was like five, but I understood quite well, that it would be just a stupid thing to do. Nor did I shoot at sparrows with an airgun... Ha! How come NOBODY has pointed out this scene?


im american...and trust me i know how stupid americans can be. However, please do not get the impression that all of us are stupid. I know better than to spray things in peoples' faces and people get drunk here all the time. But as i said before, americans can be very stupid.


Actually, people can be stupid. It doesn't matter what country you're in, there are stupid people everywhere.


Excuse me. I'm not sure how they do things in Hungary but I know that here in the United States of America, we try not to let our 1st graders associate with drunk persons. I'm pretty sure that when I was in 1st grade, I didn't even know what it meant to be drunk


unfortunately most 1st graders now know what drunk people are because they have them as parents! but besides that i think it's better they see this portayal of the effects of alcohol and how bad it is, rather than seeing it as "cool" later. and when i was a child and saw this movie, i had no idea it was even alcohol. maybe if you raise your children as less naiive they will be less likely to try the poison.



No, not ALL American children are stupid. And not ALL American's are stupid. I hate posts like this, you know very well that not all Americans are stupid just as I know that not all people from other countries are stupid. You cannot bunch a whole group of people together and stereotype them, it is ridiculous.

The spirit is eternal, deathless...


I know perfectly well, I just wanted to provoke.
There are least to say weird views going about even classic media, as films and such. If i just criticize that, noone would ever notice. This way, i got some aggressive replies, that harshly reveal some details about the root of the problem.
So of course, I don't really think you are identical clones, just because you live within the same borders.

Watch some animated shorts!



You know, you're right about the whole aerosol can thing being stupid. It's completely ridiculous that someone would blame a MOVIE for something their kids did. I think it's the fault of whatever dried up old harpy wrote that nonsense. If your kids are so young that they can't differentiate between a fantasy scene and reality, what the hell are you doing letting them play with the hairspray?

Come to think of it, why would ANY parent allow their child to play with the hairspray? I had a friend growing up who would get it out of his mom's bathroom supplies and make a "hairspray torch", which for some reason really amused him. I do believe his mother told him to stop doing things like that, but he just waited till she was gone and did it anyway. It was THEIR problem. I don't know where he learned how to do that or why he thought it was a good idea, but she told him quite clearly not to do it. If things had gone wrong and he'd wound up getting hurt, it wouldn't have been anyone else's fault but his own for doing something so reckless.

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E mea arofa teie ao nei
