Which one was

~ I just found out that this movie was a remake a year later of Dangerous Liaisons. So I was wondering if this movie was released in theater or a cable channel?



I think the theater. I think I remember it being released there, but I didn't see it until the dvd was released.


~ Thank you Colinforever! The first time I saw it was on showtime. How was the dvd?



DVD quality was OK, but frustrating editing. There is a scene between Valmont and the young wife near the end of the movie that was cut from the DVD. You're left to guess how their relationship continues or ends, and as a result Valmont's behavior at the end of the movie is very confusing. You can read reviews on Amazon for more discussion, or go to the Colin Firth board here on IMDb. I had to ask the other posters there to help me understand the ending, because it just wasn't making sense to me.

Just realized that I jumped in and you weren't *actually* talking to me - hope you don't mind my butting in. I just watched the DVD last weekend for the first time, and so I looked at this board.



~ Thank you for posting that info Lkpurdy! I really appreciate it. It's okay you weren't butting in at all. Remember this is a free message board.



Valmont is in no way a remake of Dangerous Liaisons... (This was actually more of a case of what almost happened recently with Alexander, i.e. two directors being inspired by the same source material but going for radically different approaches.)
Both movies are adaptations of Choderlos de Laclos' epistolary novel Les Liaisons Dangereuses; DL sticks closer to the original material, but both are great movies. I happen to have a soft spot for Valmont, I somehow find it more moving and much, much sexier. (nothing beats Annette Bening in a white nightdress! ;) ) And I love Colin Firth's boyish Valmont.

Now, to answer your question, Sunflower: Valmont did get a theater release. I don't know how wide it was in the US, but I remember very well seeing the posters here in France... I was eight! (not that this last bit of info is of any interest, but anyway)


~ Thank you so much for the information and for the answer of my question Dorabella.



I saw it in the theatres in the US in Rochester, NY, by no means a "big city," so it got a fairly wide release. It was not advertised much prior to its release, but there was a full-page ad in the newspaper the day before the release. I hated DL (mostly because of disliking Close, Malkovich AND Uma Thurman intensely), and did not plan to see it, but was struck by Bening's beauty in the newspaper ad and decided to go see it. Very well-received. Nice, gorgeous presentation...seemed richer than DL, thanks to the genius of Milos Forman.

Ah, the rapier wit of an armless D'Artagnan.


no, it wasn't a remake... I was an alternate adaptaion of the same book... there IS a difference...
