MovieChat Forums > Uncle Buck (1989) Discussion > What was the problem with taking the kid...

What was the problem with taking the kids to the race track?

I don't get it


It's not an appropriate environment for little ones, would be like taking them to the casino or the nightclub.


I disagree. One of my fondest memories was my great-aunt taking me to the track. She even laid down a couple bets for me from my allowance. I lost. But at that age, money wasn't as interesting as the horses, the racing, the crowd, etc. We had a great time and it's a hell of a lot healthier than taking your kid to a NASCAR race or a monster-truck rally.

"Atlas Shrugged- Part 2"- Coming in 2012! --The saga continues!


"it's a hell of a lot healthier than taking your kid to a NASCAR race or a monster-truck rally"

Why do you say that? Horse racing is pretty cruel, and watching cars race is not unhealthy.

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes


They are probably referring to all of the exhaust and smoke and all that other stuff during a car race.


Yet they ride around in Buck's car which pretty much offers the exact same thing.

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Why did they drive around in Buck's car in the first place? Cindy and Bob look like the people who would have two cars in their garage, they could have left Buck the keys for one of them.
But that, of course, would have deprived us of some very funny scenes.

You may cross-examine.


Not to mention the insanely loud environment of a Nascar race isn't good for anyone's hearing.


It wasn't the track, per se.' It was about Buck not wanting to go back to his 'old self' - chasing the quick buck on an illegal fix at the track, abandoning responsibility, etc.

It was an especially tough decision since his vulnerable 15-year-old niece just ran away for the weekend.



I gotta say I wouldn't have a huge problem with taking the kids to the track - and they would never need to hear about the fixed race.
I was hoping Buck would take them to the track, win his money - then go looking for Tia.

"They who... give up... liberty to obtain... safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."


Yeah i think it was more of he had to find his niece before something bad happen.


Yeah I think this is the reason.

But one thing that always bugged me about this. His friend that told him about the fixed or "sure" bet seemed to be pretty close to Buck. They seem like they are pretty tight. Why cant he just give that guy his cash, ask him to place the bet for him, and then bring back his winnings? If it means THIS much to him, you would think he would try that.


The problem with that could be the tax implications if he wins big. Filling out forms and all that.


Well, taking 6 year olds to a race track is pretty seedy. Then on top of it, he's going to bet on a fixed race. Also, he's responsible for his 15 year old niece and he has not idea where she is.


LOL, my grandfather took me to Aqueduct when I was 7. No big deal. I learned that it's , "Who do you like...?"

How do the angels get to sleep when the Devil leaves his porch light on?


I don't really see an issue with it, a local track where I live actually has family days and that kind of stuff. Cheap hotdogs, cokes, ect.. Nothing wrong with it at all, it's not like he was taking them to a strip club or something.


I think the issue wasn't taking the kids to the track, it was the higher priority of finding Tia before all else. Had Tia been home, or just flat out refused to babysit, Buck would most likely have no problem taking the kids along.

But he knew all about what Bug wanted, and he knew something bad would happen to Tia if he went about his planned activities with the racetrack, so he had to choose which was more important: The money or family.

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