
I love this movie, but I just can't really relate to the way they treated Bug at the end. It's a funny scene, but I just don't believe it ends for Buck with Bug running off into the woods. You just can't kidnap a child (even a douchebaggy one) without some serious repercussions. Even though he let him go, it's still kidnapping, and it's still kind of a go to jail offense.


Yeah, but in the John Hughes World, you can do anything you want to the "bad guy" without fear of repercussions.


Indeed, think of the burglars in Home Alone…hard to believe what Kevin got away with in the first movie, and in the second one he wasn't even protecting his home (and possibly life), he had become a vigilante!
Must be part of some John Hughes parallel universe that includes other oddities, for example: Families are always well-off, snotty people are also dumb, educators are strict disciplinarians, and if you have have a good heart, either deep down or on your sleeve, you can get away with anything, including assault, battery, attempted murder and bad parenting.

If it please the court…


In the world of theater scholar terms, it is called willing suspension of disbelief.


Another question, how did Buck get Bug out of the party and into the trunk of if his car? Call me crazy, but for some reason I'm quite confident that you can't just frog march a kid past at least sixty or seventy other kids, duct tape him up, place in the trunk, and then calmly drive off. You'd think somebody surely would of intervened, or at the very least reported Buck (and his license plate) to the cops?


It is a good question. Maybe Bug climbed out of the window in fear after Buck advanced on him and ran away. Buck, obviously unable to go the same way, took the stairs down, went to his car, and then he saw Bug running. He chased him with his car and overpowered him when he became exhausted. The kids who noticed Buck chasing Bug did nothing because they were drunk and didn't want the police at their party.
-- It is ridiculous, but then again, virtually everything in a John Hughes movie is.

If it please the court…


I figure all the kids at the party were not enthused with Bug and didn't really care what happened to him.

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes


I wondered how Buck got Bug out of the party too, and also, why did Buck turn the light off in the bedroom and walk towards Bug with the drill?. What did he do after that?.


Buck probably scared the hell out of Bug after telling the girl to leave the room. Then Bug, thinking that Buck was done with him, left the party because he wasn't in the mood to 'party' anymore, where Buck ambushed him before going to find Tia.

All New Season:


Yes it is kidnapping. But I don't see Bug reporting this. He is a bit scared of Buck. Chalk it up as a life lesson for him.


You're analyzing it way too much.

"The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen."
