
I always wondered, did buck actually know pal? Or did he just get his name from his bowling shirt? Cause they both said each others names, I wonder if they knew each other or just read the shirts


They knew each other. Pal's reaction signifies to me that he certainly recognized Buck.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?


Am i weird for having a crush on Pal lol ?



Yep... don't forget to follow those lustful thoughts with, "why can't I find a nice guy?"

"Atlas Shrugged- Part 2"- Coming in 2012! --The saga continues!



But how is he with a toothpick? LOL!

"Atlas Shrugged- Part 2"- Coming in 2012! --The saga continues!



Is Rob Sri Lankan?

"Don't worry, I'm a gun club member, I'm taking these rookies downtown".



Isn't the actor who did Pal great? What a wonderful scene...


They knew each other. Pal's reaction signifies to me that he certainly recognized Buck.

Its clearly that they know each other very well, Pal even sais Buck's name with fear in the voice and you can also see that he is pretty affraid of Buck. Judged by Pal's black eye, i guess Buck also punched him at some point pretty hard.


There should be a tv series about Pal lol.


Pal was soo creepy & sleazy, but especially gross was that sore on his mouth....I always wondered if he got that from his toothpick.

"Are you going to your grave with unlived lives in your veins?" ~ The Good Girl


I'm pretty sure that sore was supposed to be herpes.
