No final hulk-out!

I think this was a mistake, though I enjoyed the overall film-- they should have had a final hulk out in the climax-- when Banner escorts the woman to safety from Fisk Tower, he should run back in to try and help Matt, but gets rousted by some Thugs, then turns into the Hulk and starts wrecking stuff, and helping Daredevil..

"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility"
Stan Lee, 1962


I always wondered that. With all those mob bosses and thugs, I always felt cheated that Banner didn't turn into the Hulk at the end. I thought the ideal time was when the thug who tried to assault the woman in the train, tried to assault in the room she was being held captive. Banner rushes in to help her, the thug attacks him and Banner ends up hulking out. I thought that would've worked better than Edgar just smashing a lamp over the guy's head. It just doesn't feel the same without the Hulk at the end.


Noooooooooo comment I felt the same way as both of you.

Why isn't there most posts about this ??? The ending of this movie, made it the weakest Hulk Movie back then, unfortunately.
