Better then Toxie part 2

Yea I enjoyed this film. I had incredibly low hopes for it after the *beep* of part 2 but I was pleasently surprised to find this had a semi-consistant plot. Part 2 really was a quilt work of crap, no real beginning, middle or end. It had some good gore yes and occasional good jokes but I could hardly bare to watch the last 30 mins. It lost it completely. Part 3 on the other hand made sense and if you go into the film expecting nothing good at all then you will enjoy it.

Great gore moment - the hand being fed into the tape player at the beginning of the film. Utterly unrealistic but incredibly incredibly sick. Sicker then anything I saw in the first toxie. I didnt expect to see such over the top sloppy, sickening gore in what is known as the watered down toxie. So in this respect it gets my thumbs up.

Now Ive gotta see the 4th. So hard to find in New Zealand though.


i just bought this movie off of amazon, but havent seen it yet. How does it compare to the first Toxie movie?


The hand in the VCR was the ONLY gore part in Toxic avenger 3! Have you seen the uncut version of part 3 and 2?


It is good you will like it. I enjoyed watching it and thought it was great! It is better than the second one and I heard the fourth one is really good to watch. It has been ages since I have seen the fourth installment to The Toxic Avenger.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


I thought the same thing...I was not looking forward to this movie after part II, but III was much better. Neither hold a candle to the original though.

The review for this movie on the IMDB page calls this a movie thrown together from the left overs of part II, but it seems more like its the other way around...part II seems to be made up from the left overs from part III.



Parts 1 and 4 are the best, but Part 2 is way better than Part 3.


I don't know. Even though it's not as corny and a little less over-the-top, I have more fun watching Toxie II.

Personally, I really like them both. They don't match up to the original, but these sequels are what turned me on to Troma back in the day.

"In celluloid we trust." -Herzog



Cripes, this stank. The battle at the end between Toxie and Satan feels so corny and cheap, it was like I was watching an episode of Power Rangers. Granted, Troma's films are supposed to be tacky, but it feels like a kid's movie with the puns and superhero cliche's seeing as it feels so... tame. Heck, if it wasn't for the opening VCR scene, the topless (but with hidden boobs) women and Toxie ripping Satan's body to pieces, you could probably show this film to kids!

At least it made me feel that Part 2 wasn't so bad after all. Nice theme song at the end, anyway!

Yippee-ki-yay, pastel-colored resistance!
