I'm a fan of odd movies, and this is about as unconventional as they come.

Thoroughly enjoyed it though. Brilliant music, superbly stylised.

Jorg Buttgereit is the MAN.

(For obscurely morbid cinematic explorations of death in late 20th century low budget german art house cinema)


Always nice to meet fellow Buttgereit fans. It's strange, Barrel Entertainment released both Necromantiks and Schramm, but gives no love to Der Todesking! What the hell?! Where are people seeing this movie? I feel so left out...

Uh, yeah... Jorg is the man-- for reasons already stated.


I also need this movie on dvd. Once found anywhere, maybe someone can post there whereabouts on here?


I rented it at a video store on VHS Back in 1997.


Ahh - you can purchase it also on special edition DVD from their shop


Also I highly recommend the David Kerekes book Sex Murder art on Buttgereits work. Fascinating and amusing. Buttgereit is a top bloke!



