MovieChat Forums > Der Todesking (1990) Discussion > Other people must like this too!

Other people must like this too!

Come on - comments!


I just finished watching it. Wasn't bad. I gave it 5/10. I may have enjoyed it more had the sound been synched better. It was an interesting film. I liked it way more then Nekro 2.

You don't see prostitutes at the symphony...well, maybe you do, but they are dressed so pretty.


I LOVE Der Todesking, It is better then either of the Nekromantiks or Schramm imo, because like Buttgereit himself, I am obsessed with the idea of suicide so I kinda interpret this film as if it was made for me, sadly the version I saw was cut though and had late subtitles, etc. the works of a hard to find cult classic, I don't wanna buy the European special edition though because like Gerald Kargl's Angst, Der Todesking is gonna be released by barrel one day and I am sure it will be worth the wait....

but the film has so many meanings and it is just... wow...


not to mention with the release of "angst" the picture has been dimmed in one violent scene


I did! The sequence with the bridge on the Autobahn and the names crawling slowly upstream took a few minutes to make sense to e, but all of a sudden I caught what it meant, and just muttered "Oo-oh, *beep* The second episode was my favorite part, though, with the weird art=punk guy watching the Nazi movie. And it was brilliant how the rotting of the cadaver became just a process of nature, like a time-lapse film of a flower aesthetically advanced and thought=provoking horror movie, in my opinion, and one which deserves to be seen more widely.

Sparrow 13
the Extremely DeLux One




One of my favorites for the past decade. This plus Angst plus Schramm are my favorite way to spend a Sunday.


I used to have a very bad quality video copy of it. I may seek it out as a rental soon on DVD. There is a rental place by me that sometimes has region 0 copies...I assume there isn't a region one of this on DVD yet?

I remember it being really disturbing, yet I was probably 19 when I first watched it back in the early 90's.


Yes, an amazing movie.
