i LOVE this short it is the best short film i've EVER seen i watched onece and fell in love with this guys work it's just so amazing

ok i have a new rule no more of these



I saw this on the 'Alice' First Run Features DVD. Better than 'Alice', haha.



I saw it on Youtube (just search for "Svankmajer"). I actually find it can be a metaphor for many, many things. Western critics feel satisfied by classifying it as a political parody I guess, but I think that there are many other interpretations which are just as valid.

One of them: Human life. The older we get, the more we understand ourselves, the more abilities we have - but we are also hampered by our age and our past choices. Eventually, it becomes unbearable and we (or some of us, at least) decide to turn off the lights of our existence.
Another: The artist/craftsman who becomes more and more proficient at his art/craft, but more and more limited at the same time, at the end only being able to do a few things really well instead of many things half-assedly.

That's just me - there are plenty of others I'm sure.

Does anyone have any other interesting ones?

___ __ _
Math problems? Call 1-800-[(10x)(13i)2]-[sin(xy)/2.362x].


To me the film is growing up. As a child you are incomplete and the world seems so large but as you get older and more pieces come together it ceases to be large and can actually be frighteningly small and suffocating.
By the way, the part with the penis got a chuckle out of me, does it represent puberty maybe?


To me it was like an absurdist interpretation of a baby gradually coming together in his mother's womb (which is represented by the room that the film is set in). The final doorbell ring represented that the time of birth is nigh and it's time to exit through the door (the vagina). The baby turns off the light because he is happy where he is perhaps.

Cinema is the memory of life.


And it was good.

Will you succeed? Yes, you will indeed. (98 3/4% guaranteed.)


I love it too. I have a still from this movie that I put on my door of my office and underneath it I clipped a saying that reads: I should not have come in today, I'm very confused.

A great short!!!!!

"I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" - Network, 1976
